
Equal to well over half a million dollars in today’s money gifted to him from daddy in 1995. Anyone can do it folks just pull up those boot straps!


On the verge of quitting

Hey all, I'll try keep this short and sweet. I've worked at my place for a lot longer than I'd like to admit, I've had so many issues over the years with things like not being paid properly, not getting overtime and then told to wait until next month for it, due to their errors, bad treatment from other departments with no repercussions (I'm a cleaner, basically lowest of the low in the rest of the establishments eyes). Anyway, last month I was FINALLY given an increase in hours, after constantly asking, but rebuffed because “those hours weren't available”, only for them to hire someone for those hours the week after. The day after that, a department manager came and asked if I'd be interested in taking up this pretty important admin role (I can't specify for reasons) on a temporary basis(6 months) for 2 days a week They'd approached…


Utterly annoyed by lack of respect for my time.

Yesterday my supervisor advised that we were having a meeting at 12PM and that it was to be in office. I was okay with that seeing as though I have work at 2PM. She then comes to me before she leaves and advises me that she is pushing the meeting back an hour maybe because she has another meeting and she believes it will run long. Well today at 12PM I get a call asking where I am from my coworker. I tell her that I'm not far from work but I have something that I'm doing because my supervisor pushed the meeting back. She (coworker) then tells me that the other meeting already ended and my supervisor just thought I would show up at 12PM. How am I supposed to show up if you don't say anything to me. Well I finished what I was doing and was ontime…


Should I shut down my business?

I currently run a family business that opened in 1986. My dad was the owner but died in Feb 2020. I've been working here since 2012 and run it. We have 29 employees. I killed myself for 2 years and got 2 PPP loans that 100% went to payroll so I could pay 40 hrs when we were working 20. We pay 12-18 to start but that's not enough. Our COGS have gone up 50% since covid started and obviously our payroll has as well– (48000 to 68000). We used to clear 400 to 500,000 per year in profit. That has gone down to less than 100,000. In our business, a new machine costs 50,000 so we basically have little to no money as back up anymore. The product we sell is a low cost product for restaurants. Should I just shut it down since I can't pay more and…


Oof apple


The % goes up by 1 every 2-3 questions. Most are repeated/rephrased. I’m looking forward to receiving my automatic “unfortunately” email as soon as I click submit.


Does this sound rude?

Maybe this isn’t the best place to post this and mods if you want me to take it down I will but it is work related. I called in sick today because after working a 40h shift my body was shutting down and I accepted the fact that I had reached my limit. I called in sick and my manager asked for a doctors note (there’s nothing medically wrong with me i’m just tired). I want to send her a message to tell her i’m not going to get a doctors note but I’m not sure if it sound condescending or rude and I really can’t afford to lose my job right now! This is what I plan on saying : Hi *, this is **, i’m sorry that I called in sick on such short notice and i'm sorry because I will not be able to get a doctors…


How big is too big?: Pre-employment assessment tasks

What is an average pre-employment assessment task in your industry and country? I need an insight, since I believe in mine things are getting out of control. Here, after 2 rounds of interviews and a submitted portfolio, companies give out example tasks for job applicants to complete at a certain deadline. Lately, in the Web/Digital/IT industry, companies have been giving out tasks that take 2-3 full workdays (16-20 hours of work). Interestingly, the job market is better than ever – there are tons of offers and few applicants. So why are companies confident in requiring 2-3 days of unpaid work from potential employees? Is this normal in your experience? A friend of mine applied to 3 jobs and had to complete a full week of unpaid work, while balancing her existing job at nights and weekend. She’s still waiting to hear back but honestly even if she does, I’m angry…


A cautionary tale to not forget that business owners are virtually all profit first when things get tough


I am just so tired. (ps rant)

I grew up with a dad who hates the system but work in a job that makes decent money BUT is physically killing him My mom worked at one place her whole career and is now owning the same buisness. I am working at a job that is killing my mental health, that took me over 5 years to get back to at least liveable. I have applied to probably over 1000 jobs, either to get scammed, sent a hour assessment taken and not heard back, and much more. I'm so fucking tired today. I know others out there have it worse. I know it but today is the day where am I am so tired I can't even make tears. I don't think I have a bad work ethic I just was raised through parents who had different backgrounds one is dieing to live decently literally and the other…