
This hits me in the feels


Unfair work “awards”?

I feel like everyone here is pretty fair and levelheaded – will you tell me if I'm overreacting? The owner's at my work want to do company awards for the end of the year. There's 9 different awards for things like attendance and best paperwork, etc. And they're having us all vote for an employee for each category, and the winners get gift cards. The only thing is that there's 24 technicians to our 5 office staff. So this means all 9 awards and gift cards are 100% going to a technician because there's a majority and they only work with each other. Not to mention that the office staff does all of the award categories daily, as to make the company function, but the technicians don't see it because they aren't involved in the backend. Even for things like attendance – we have a strict 8.5 hour day as…


Has anyone ever responded to the question, “Why do you want to work here?” with “Why should I want to work here?”

How did that go for you when you responded like that during an interview?


I get paid sick time but was almost fired for using it.

At my work we are luckily alotted paid sick hours that you can use if you are sick and have to call in. I was sick a lot recently just a really nasty chest cold that ate up a lot of it and also an allergic reaction to something I couldn’t identify that took a couple days to recover from. We get so many hours and they get replenished every couple of months or so. Well since I was close to being out of sick time my boss called me into the office to talk about that (even though the hours get replenished). I was threatened with termination if I use too much sick time even though those hours are given to us as paid hours for us to use in that situation. I literally explained that to him and then he realized how idiotic it was to fire me…


Inflated prices=inflated hours


Major layoffs coming, but companies want us to stay. Which is it?! lol.


Wtf is boss day???


I was just fired for not being able to correct my mental illnesses in a 3 month deadline.

Ive been really struggling lately with real life issues, work issues and a whole stew of mental illnesses. Causing me to be late, or having to miss work, mental health days are not an excuse. About 3 months ago manager sat me down and explained that there were areas of improvement and that need retraining (I was a eyewear sales consultant and optometric technician). I gladly accepted any and all training trying to take it seriously and really improve my work. I started medication about a month prior so my manager figured that I'd have it all figured out by the end of my 3 month period and I'll be fine. I honestly thought I had improved a lot. I made a lot of progress in those months where I've been able to wake up and… Smile. Who the fuck does that? Who feels great every morning and looks forward…


Other ways of life had to be intentionally eradicated to force us all into the “one right way” of wage slavery and consumerism. We need to listen to the wisdom of indigenous people to reclaim our common humanity.


Tip: When you leave a job, do not sign up your old email address for spam.

When leaving a job, for whatever reason, don't be tempted to sign up your old company email address for a shit ton of spam, using a service like Your email inbox will probably be redirected to your old manager or HR, and will likely have some kind of autoresponder on it with their contact information. So any spam list you might sign up for, if it gets that automatic reply, will probably get your manager's or HR's address, too. Really, don't do it.