
We’ve all been forced back into the office 5 days a week, and this trend with the cubicle assignment is infuriating!

The pharma company I work for just mandated that all personnel return to the office full time, 5 days per week. We've all begrudgingly accepted our grey, drab, cubicle filled fates, and noticed a funny trend after we all were assigned our cubicle locations. All of the nice cubicles with windows that let a little sunshine and green views into your day have all been hoarded by supervisors and management, while all associate level employees and below are crammed into the center region of the floor, far away from any windows with a little outside view to brighten the day. I understand seniority, chain of command, the higher level people get the best seat assignments, blah blah blah. Here's the catch; 90% of supervisors and managers had the option, and chose to, continue working from home full time. So 28 of 30 prime time cubicles with window views lay empty,…


A rant about PTO

I have saved up some PTO at work and requested to use it today and tomorrow because I’m having 2 adult teeth pulled today and can’t imagine going into work the day of or after. Well, my store manager has been out for a couple of weeks because his son passed away, which I definitely sympathize for him. Well this weeks schedule came out and they didn’t give me the PTO but gave me the two off days. I can’t afford to be out of work for two days without being paid. I called the store and he is back now and got major attitude and tried guilt tripping me about calling because his son has passed away. I’m like ok but you need to fix it??? My other manager is on a week paid vacation, how did they give him that but not my two days of PTO for…


Slacking off third day straight

I got some autonomy at my office. People gotta knock before they come in. Basically since Monday I'm working 20% capacity because they failed to raise/promote me this year. Don't feel bad at all, and no deadlines are broken.


About sums it up.


I’ve been Job Hunting Lately and I HATE this.


It should go both ways


Boss wants me to pay for parking during work hours

Throwaway account I (21,F) recently started working front desk at a private clinic in the industry of mental health services. Despite my educational background in the field, numerous certifications, volunteer & work experience, 5+ years of reception that make me severely overqualified for this role, I make min wage. I accepted the role because I’ve been looking for 2 yrs with no luck and any other job like retail pays the same wage, may as well get experience in the field. We are in the midst of moving the clinic to a different location. Right now (when I was hired) the parking situation is: – free (and scarce) all day street parking that fills up super fast on weekdays – free (and scarce) street parking where you have to move your car every 2 hrs – really expensive parkade – walk super far in a dangerous area to get to…


My friend is a legend


Need more money? Get a part time Job.

Just had a monthly review and was shown and told I am doing awesome. Boss asked me what he could do to help in any way…I asked for more money. He said sure let me see what I can do. Then literally tells me a story of when he went from normal employee to manager and was not getting paid enough. He got a part time job because he needed the money. Did this for a few months missed some work from the full time and his boss gave him a raise to keep him from working the part time…..then said a part time job helped me(boss) out, it might for you too. It sounded like he was giving sincere advice. He does not do sarcasm. He genuinely believes it was good advice. I already put about 50 weeks in already to make as much for that paycheck. But cost…


Bootlicker: How Is it already 4 O’Clock?

This has literally been the longest day of my life