
Supposed to be funny but is Depressing


Got diagnosed with shingles yesterday, I’m immunocompromised and in a lot of pain. I looked up how folks work through it… I hate this timeline


in all honesty she did point me to food stamp program which has helped


My boss fired the 2 people I worked with and now I’m by myself

I work as a receptionist in a medical office. There were 3 of us. Yesterday, he fired the other two and now it's just me. I was working part time because I'm in school and now he wants me to work full time to cover for them. I want to quit because the office was already a mess and now all the responsibility and stress is going to fall on me.


The change from feudalism to capitalism was a bourgeois revolution, not a proletarian one.


Poverty and misery are the end goal of capitalism.


constantly I live with a feeling that I am doomed and have no way out of the poverty trap I was born into…

The funny part is… I'm correct, I was born condemned, just a Deus Ex Machina to change the course of my life, I started to be more religious and have less faith in myself, and more faith in God. ​ waiting for divine intervention


Arguments for working remotely?

Hi all, So here is the situation, my fiancé and I live in Amsterdam/the Netherlands and both work for large international corporations (tech and finance). We like the city itself but it doesn’t feel like home nor do we have family or a big group of friends here. Over the years we have both come to realize that the only thing that keeps us here is our work which we both really enjoy. However, we miss the untouched nature and mountains that the Netherlands obviously lacks, and hate the population density – it’s just way too crowded and busy. We have been discussing leaving the Netherlands and moving to another European country, either the UK, Austria or Switzerland as we have family in all three countries. Of course there are plenty of companies that now offer fully remote jobs (and my fiancé is happy to make a switch); i, however,…


Realistically, how do you just anti-work?

Don't get me wrong, just the thought of quitting my job makes me happier. I hate 9-5 with a passion. I'm miserable with this lifestyle. But most of us got rent and bills to pay and don't have daddy's money. We need to plan for retirement and at least have some emergency fund. It's unlikely that we can just quit and never look back. We may check out for a few months, but eventually we need to go back to another grey, lifeless office – because we need money to survive. For some folks, they hope to achieve this by FIRE. They want to make enough money, make that money work and hopefully not have to work for money. I'm genuinely asking, for people who practice anti-work, how do you do it? Edit: I feel like it's important to point out I'm not from US. I live in a capitalism…


‘Twas a debate:

To keep it short: -Contractor at work was talking about issues with X because they were discussing wages. -Obvious convo from us proceeded cuz obv. Debate came into situation here: Can a contract supersede the ability to speak of wages? Had a job once that didn't let you have breaks – it was in the union contract. “Contract “Supersedes” the law.” -according to union rep Would it in situations like this if you signed one? One of the others here was saying they signed something at Target saying they couldn't discuss wages… Am I really that dense? Cuz that doesn't seem right.