
Club Boss Slaps Staff Who Didnt Stand Up On His Arrival. I’d stand up. And slap him so hard his earwax will fall off


2 months into the hiring process, I’ve interviewed with 2 people already…now I have 5 more interviews scheduled over the next week… This is getting out of hand…


We need to start demanding


Imagine having to work with this knowing the ultimate goal is to replace you.


Getting a lot of bait and switch or red flags for healthcare jobs

I've had this happen all year while job searching. The very first time I went to an interview, and the position I applied for was filled. They offered a different position that paid less and not related to the original job. A different interview was for a certain position, and then they started talking about how they need people to do X position and how I could do that instead, even tho I was not qualified at all and had no training for it. For another job, the ad stated a normal 8 hr day, and then in the interview the working hours were 12 hrs. I am not working a 12 hour day. Just yesterday I had got a potential offer, but they want to start me as part time and then maybe they'll get enough business to make me full time. The ad said full time. I was…


Have you ever quit a job without the certainty of another job lined up? What did you do in the aftermath?

My work situation devolved in a matter of days. The new boss’s boss is a micromanager on multiple levels and there’s absolutely zero reasoning or collaborative mindset with her. I’m in this “fight or flight” mode for a week and I am wondering the feasibility of quitting now, and seeking temporary freelance jobs online?


Boss yet again with ridiculous ideas of “bonding time”

My boss loves to throw parties and get together at his place and always invites our team. I always decline since he lives in another city and I don’t have a car. Also I hate the fact that if I’d go, I’d have to depend on someone to get home because there’s no uber who would drive me for 2 hours to get to another city (also that’d be really expensive) Now he wants to have a coworking day at his house. I’m already forced to go to the office twice a week, but now I need to go to his house in another city to do the job I could do WFH???? When it comes to parties, I always politely excuse myself from attending because I’m not obligated to participate when I’m off the clock, but it’s a fucking WORKING DAY. I’m tempted to just say, quite rudely, that…


Calling data analysts, scientists, engineer’s, and hard working humans for insight over denied hire

I'm 38 and have had numerous jobs, changing oil, car inspector, welded Mig and Tig, ran manual lathe and drill press, plastic fabrication with CNC machining, hard labor warehouse including forklift and shipping and receiving, street sweeper, medical courier, Cheesecake Factory cook, and currently a substitute teacher and havnt made more than 11 an hour by Dallas. Sorry for the long spill, I have taken 53 college classes, recently finished my BS in Business Administration and Marketing from WGU , I hold the Google Analytics Individual Qualification for web analytics and almost finished with the Google Data Analytics Professional Certification, and have my resume on all the job web sites . I have been getting calls from head hunters for jobs from 25 to 45 an hour contract and they keep falling through when I tell them I'm interested. A rep /head hunter at Fortitude systems hit me up telling…


Anyone else fall into the trap?


I’m ashamed and I’m scared

I’m in a really dark place right now. I recently landed a job that pays around 80k which is more than I’ve ever made in my life. My partner and I were elated when I first got it because we needed a break towards taking care of some debt and working towards owning a home together. Well, long story short, I’m four months in and it’s absolutely destroying my mental health. Everyday is such a struggle that I dread getting in my car and going. It’s caused me to become depressed but I am scared to leave because with my degree this is a high paying job. My partner will understand but i feel like I’m letting them down. I want to quit. I want to go back to my freelance work where I was happy but made much less. Idk what to do but I wanted to vent here.