
Now imagine if this wasn’t clickbait and Walmart actually gave employees this


You mean you don’t want to clean a restaurant after your first job?


Disgusted the owner of where I work is betting on the Hurricane costs

My boss had a “important meeting” to discuss what the insurance cost of Hurricane Ian would be. He then said he wants all of us to contribute $5 and take a guess. The person who gets close wins the amount. I’m not participating. My family (extended family) was affected by this storm. I don’t think profiting off people’s suffering is fun.


working is overrated


To the surprise of nobody


Can I be written up and fired?

I work for a tech support company in Tucson but I’m employed temporarily through a hiring agency. Well on Friday I had a family emergency and I needed to call out on Saturday. I filled out the online form, however, I did not call them to let them know I was going to be absent. I assumed (which in capitalistic America I shouldn’t have) that I could just do one or the other because I was never penalized before. Well on my day off on Monday the hiring agency manager calls me and tells me that I was counted as a no call no show and I have to be written up. After I explained to her that I followed the call out procedure, she sent me an email stating she would like me to provide her with my call logs from Friday to see proof I called out. Thankfully…


Are toxic situations inevitable?

I have a strong aversion to yelling and being yelled at. In my younger years when I was first made supervisor, a kid got hurt because staff wasn’t doing their job and it was on my shift. I completely lost my shit and yelled at the staff that they let this kid get hurt. Afterwards, I felt so much regret for handling the situation that way. I worked really hard to never lose my cool like that again. And for 15 years, I have never yelled at my team or employees again. I’m a middle manager. I put myself between my bosses and my staff and if something goes wrong- I take it on the chin. But I have my limits and I think I am teaching them. Right now, I have a new boss that has yelled at me twice. The first time it happened was due to circumstances…


What is the best way to deal with competitive, backstabbing coworkers?


Why would anybody “celebrate” Boss’s Day?

A brown-nosing co-worker of mine messaged us all a few days ago trying to organize a Boss's Day celebration for this morning. Nobody responded. I come in this morning and some people brought doughnuts, cakes, pastries… I mean, for what? To show appreciation for somebody we barely even like? Sorry, but I come to work to get paid. I don't pay to come to work. And I certainly don't fork out money for storebought treats to stroke the ego of somebody who refuses to give me a raise for my hard work. Boss's Day is stupid.


France starts forced return to work at fuel depot in showdown with union