
So I just threw up at work and was told to go home but they still gave me a point

Not sure if posts like this are allowed but I was extremely sick yesterday so I called in; today at work I felt nauseous so I went to the bathroom sat on the toilet and then immediately threw up. I went to my boss and told him and he told me to go home but that I’d get a half a point for leaving half way through the shift; since I only had about 2 hours left I told him I’d rather just stick it out then but instead he forced me to go home since i was sick. If anything has made me hate American employement it’s this. This just cements that if you aren’t your own boss you’re barely seen as human.


Uber, Doordash plunge after Labor Department proposes change to gig worker classification


Need help for meeting with District Manager

A couple days ago I sent my manager and district manager an email stating I was unhappy with my job and the stress is getting to me. He responded saying we can talk more in person this Thursday. One of my biggest gripes is that management overbooks the techs and if we fall behind management tells us to complete minimum of X jobs (ya know to meet production quotas…) yet management has stated we shouldn't be working overtime. So when they want us to work overtime we must work. It really pisses me off how they assume we have no lives out of work. Any tips on phrasing, I am not the best at it


Elon’s employees dying on the job


Is it illegal for my general manager to read a confidential letter?

So yesterday I posted about how I was quitting Crumbl bc of low pay and the workplace environment. I decided to type up a written letter about how I had been offered another job (Target) and was quitting. I sealed the envelope and labeled it with one of my manager's names. She's the owner of the store and our schedule, however she is not our general manager. I decided to give my resignation letter to her bc I knew she would be the most understanding and that our gm would probably give me hell. I left the labeled envelope on their desk on Friday the 7th. Today, a coworker friend of mine tells me that she overheard our gm and a shift lead talking. He was saying “so what's this I hear about her quitting?” And shift lead says “I didn't have anything to do with that”. AND GM SAYS…


Got told “no firm timeline on raise”

From now on, that’s my response when they ask me how long any projects will take. At least until I get my raise. Bastards.


Been waiting for ‘job interview’ for an hour. Comment what I should say once I meet them.


Restaraunt Management Killed My Soul

This is gonna be a long read, and I’m not even sure if this is the right place to post it, so thanks in advance if you take the time. I spent almost 20 years, basically my entire adult life, working for one of those national chain style pizzerias. I worked my way up from just answering phones, to delivering, assistant management, and eventually to general manager. Along the way, I learned the technical aspects of the job (Making pizzas, handling inventory, working with and for my crew) and the practical aspects (Putting up with coworkers you can’t stand because you need the bodies, overlooking the horror stories that come from other stores, finding creative ways around your owner asking [read: telling] you to do something super shady.) but I never really learned how to budget myself as a person so that I had the time to enjoy all the…


“The Class War Never Ends, the Master Never Relents”: An Interview With Noam Chomsky


“Office Space” (1999) should be a movie requirement for everyone. Change my mind