
Yeah, they’ll kill you if it means increased revenue.


Mad cuz poor, poor cuz lazy. Lol!

Me thinks get off your entitled lazy fucking ass


Owner tells me it’s a Good Month for a catastrophic injury

Yes the clueless buffoon owner laid a bunch of us off and literally said I’d have health insurance until end of month so it’s a good time for a catastrophic injury. So hilarious. Glad his dumbass got all that PPP money when we were crushing it in 2020.


Just the tip of the iceberg here. Some people don’t deserve to own businesses.


Hiring manager is giving me the runaround

My understanding is this business is desperate for workers. I know someone who works there. This business made me go through 3 weeks of interviews and every week after that for 4 weeks I was told to come in on a Monday to start. The hiring manager has been giving empty promises with my start date. Every day I text asking for the proper documents to sign. Always some shit with the website being delayed. Some shit with corporate having to approve. And now some shit about my the email not showing up. “It might be in spam” he says. He must think I’m an idiot. I’ve done everything on my end to get hired. Why the fuck have I been waiting 7 weeks and still with no guarantee or empty guarantees. I’ve complained to his superior. I’ve spoken to every worker and they hate this hiring manager. Further note.…


Is this illegal? Feels illegal.


Worried about forever being in a minimum wage hole

I currently work at a trampoline park and I am 17. Sometimes I just worry that I will forever just be a minimum wage worker. I’m going to college for Cybersecurity of course, but at times I think “How long will I have to work for 10 dollars an hour?”. I am just a senior in high school right now and make 10.50 (just got a 50 cent raise) and I tend to panic. Will I be minimum wage for a bit? And when’s the “cut off” age for that stuff


Canadians companies turning to amenities to lure staff back to offices

“Luring” is usually a word reserved for sexual predators and con artists. These articles and companies are so out of touch. Are people really going to trade the comforts of home for a fountain? Or give up an extra 3 hours a day with their kids for a courtyard? Where do these companies think people live? In a prison? You can't beat the amenities of home so stop trying. You want people to return to the office then make sure it actually enhances productivity rather than simply extends the day.


Got laid off after 1 week of starting

It was with a PR firm. The lead IT guy needed an assistant. I didn't think there were any real problems, so this “layoff” was a surprise. He said I would reiterate some things. Like he showed me some things before and I would repeat and ask him if what I was doing was being done right. Must have happened when I was assigning a new device. IT lead wasn't sure if I could keep up when things get really busy. It's a slow time right now. He also said I didn't ask some questions at times. I did respond it shows my experience. Wasn't sure what he was expecting me to ask. He was impressed with my Programming experience and thinks I can do better than this $20/hour job. I was okay with it. I've been through plenty of interviews and many rejections. This is my 5th time being…


Unethical but not illegal

I finally have a story to tell this subreddit and I think I finally calm down enough to properly explain the situation. I used to work for a large culinary company that worked contracts with the venues and corporate office spaces to provide food. They have contracts all over the world and thousands of offices. this is important to mention because I ended up leaving the company because they were unwilling to transfer me due to a scheduling conflict. I was originally hired to be a cook in a corporate office working afternoon. The company expanded their needs and a breakfast Cafe was opened and I was tasked with running it. This meant a different and much earlier working time. But I felt like it was a good opportunity and I felt like the schedule change would not be too harsh so I accepted the position. After working this new…