
Who else cries everyday before going into work?

21M. Miserable job. I cry every night before going into work, and I cry when I have to wake up/get ready for work. It's mind numbingly boring and soul sucking being at this job. I also completely suck at it. At this point I'm just working until I get fired.


I got fired for standing up for myself

I refused to continue to be their whipping boy, & forced them to send a letter from their attorney to one of their clients reminding them that they cannot use antisemitic language towards the on-site staff (me). Afterwards, while I was on vacation, an executive meeting was had, and it was decided that I was no longer a good fit. At least that is what they told my supervisor. Unfortunately, I am in an “at-will” state, so that can be a legit reason for firing me.


Thought this might belong here. It’s been two days and no response from my boss.

I'm really trying to understand why I'm so upset over a 6-7k annual pay decrease. I think it's the principle of (executive director) running reports and seeing me as a dollar value and not a value-add triggers me from my previous company where I advocated for my clients tooth and nail regardless of their payor source. Although I can step back and see the bigger picture here, it still feels slimy and handled in a way that puts a bad taste in my mouth. I started volunteering for the (company name) when I was 17 (note: I am 41); constantly going above and beyond in any way I could whether in volunteering or in my paid positions in Arizona and the Mid-West. I've always promoted the (company name) to others, wholeheartedly believing in our evolving mission statement over the years. I've never fought over pay, never looked at my paycheck…


Work will kill me

Went to the doc the other day for the ol’ 100k check-up. North of 40, so time to check the diagnostics. This comes after my job tried to fuck me over and life went to shit. I survived (mostly because I document EVERY.THING). Months of pure stress, rampant gaslighting and general fuckery later, I’m 25 pounds overweight, cholesterol above 220, blood pressure high for the first time in my life. I work a minimum 50-hour week with no lunch, no breaks and a shit-ton of guilt if I want to dip for an hour to handle life (be sure the log your time out of office!) Meanwhile the boss works from home whenever the hell he wants and spends half the year living in another state. But, you know, I’m tsk-tsked if I don’t account for two hours of taking time to see my kid’s school play. Never missed a…


How do you feel about this?


Hyundai, Kia auto parts supplier in Alabama fined $30,000 for child labor violations


You’re sick? Halls doesn’t care. Get back in there Champ!


Just feeling ground down.

My work situation is toxic as all fuck. Without getting into too much detail: I'm in a data entry job in which the gal that trained me apparently did a spectacularly crappy job (despite two good reviews by the shitty boss lady that I work for) before she bailed for greener pastures. Shitty Boss Lady panicked when she had to take over the half of the data stuff that I didn't do, having never done it before despite being the project director for the grant that this job is tied to. In a space of around a week and a half, I went from comfortable and encouraged at my job, feeling like I had a good grasp of things, to being written up and called in to a meeting in which one of my co-workers was dragged in as a witness, and threatened with being fired. I'm a gentle sort…


Found out my safety is not worth $35

There was an act of violence near my workplace recently. The victim will survive but will not fully recover. We’re all a little shaken. I had been asking for a panic button for months before this because we deal with a lot of people having mental health struggles, domestic violence victims (who’s partners sometimes come looking for them), and people in the throes of addiction. I love the work I do, but it is easy to see how it could quickly become unsafe. I asked my boss about it again and found out the request was declined because it would be $35 per month. That’s equivalent to about 75 minutes of my pay. But my organization can’t fit it in the budget. I got two employee awards today for going above and beyond (and I will keep doing it because I love our clients) but my safety is not worth…


Love a good BLT