
People in this sub are leftist? Socialist? Marxsist? Right wing? Nothing?

Because in the US looks like there is no left wing supporters. There are two pro capital parties and that's it. In here, a lot of people complain about work, how they suck, they have no rights, no paid vacation, bonus, etc. So, if you see the system that fucks you, should you be at least left wing, right?


i love my new job

i work 14 hour weeks so i have time to do schoolwork and i get paid enough to purchase things i like and i get to buy fun food too! its a very fulfilling job too as i get to teach tennis to all ages! i used to work at a concession stand and while i liked that because i got to make people happy by selling them food it didnt pay as high. Im not sure why you guys dont like work so much. Without people doing jobs the economy would collapse within weeks and with no job you dont make any money (no money means no fortnite battle pass) please stop being lazy and find self fulfillment in any job you do.


Need a judgment call…

I’m going to try to make this short. I work for a Company(A), that works within another Company(B). I’m a “vendor” for Company B, so I don’t work directly for them, I just work within their store. I have a history with Company B, I worked for them for a while before moving to Company A, didn’t leave on bad terms, but I’m now finding out that Company A is planning to lay me off. I’m planning to move back to Company B before I get the boot. But now I’m considering this one option, and I don’t know if it’s viable or recommended. If I was to work for both Company A and B concurrently, it would be a conflict of interest thus rendering me unable to work one of these jobs. Since I already don’t care about my future with Company A, can I go back to Company…


This is why working less and living life is so important


You want me to do what for a poverty wage?


Elon Musk and Jason Calacanis messaged about how return-to-office mandates could be used as a ‘gentlemen’s layoff’ to get workers to voluntarily quit – Fortune


How can you subtly tell your boss to go f**k himself?


To folks who say job hopping is bad…

I've never worked somewhere for longer than two years… people tell me this is bad, but honestly it's worked pretty well for me. Every time I've stuck it out with an employer they ALWAYS burn me, or fuck me over etc. Why should I have loyalty when my employer cuts my hours the moment the busy season ends? Especially when the entire summer they claimed I'd have hours come winter. But the moment winter comes? 2 shifts a week. Yeah. Hours. Fuck you! Seriously. Loyalty to your employer is so dumb… they don't have loyalty for you- why should you have any for them? If they want to play that game I can do it too- I put my notice in and limited my hours even further. I smelled shit weeks ago, so I started looking for new work and I dumped these folks like a ton of bricks. Felt…


What do I do about my supervisor?

I answer phones and help people, so I have some minor chit chat but nothing that called for my supervisor to say. “Stop with the unprofessional-ism on the phones. The blah la la la la is… NO.” This isn’t the first scenario of this, but someone PLEASE tell me how this is professional in the slightest. You can not fucking talk to your employees like this!!! All I did was say hi and had some minor conversation AFTER I did what I had to do and was waiting for them to receive something from me. Please tell me I’m not alone is feeling completely angry at this. But it’s not even just that. I have several more examples I have taken pictures of because Jesus Christ. I didn’t do or say anything I professional, and she lacked to give a proper example.


Australian Apple Retail Workers Vote To Strike.