
I missed a meeting. My boss called me lazy and incompetent; I work 7 days a week without a day off in 5 months.


Court win for man forced to keep webcam on


Found this question posted on Quora


I want to get a job, and buy a condo I said… My dad i’ll give you 4 months.. I said that’s not even possible… am I just an idiot.

I don't have a job and my rent increase, I asked my dad if I could move home to figure things out so I don't become homeless. He said several things during our conversation that bothered me, but one was he wanted to know my goal, as part of the terms. I'll give you 4 months you can stay here he said. After I replied I want to find a job that makes enough money and work for a few months to have enough income to get a downpayment and buy a condo, he thinks it's somehow possible I do all of that in 4 months, further nailing it in that 4 months is a long time.. Is his generation just too far gone, in thinking this is even possible, I feel completely hopless today after that conversation my depression went from a 1, to 10 and now I just…


Coworker is obsessed with politics and religion

The whole entire time hes worked with me he has brought up how Hes Christian and against “wokeism”. Ive never brought up my beliefs once. I always just nod and agree. Well that line is being drastically tangled. My girls is a victim of sexual assault, he makes constant jokes that pertain to or borderline include r@p3. Hes also a compulsive liar. Pulling words out of his ass that any sane person would say “wow that really happened huh? This is more of a rant. Some other things he asks that i dont drink coffee by starbucks cause its the devil. Every time a conversation starts i can pick up on where its gonna get political. I came here to work, not to be preached to or pried onto a political spectrum. Thanks for reading lol Post note: im the exact opposite of everything he is



I am writing just because I can't sleep. I live in a place where the minium wage is about 730 dollars and the house price for a studio is 800 dollars. I stopped having motivation awhile ago, we started having more work and still are payed the minium wage. I am a designer, an editor and sometimes I Do 3D. I am so tired, I cry everynight. Sometimes I don't understand at first what my boss wants. Today he called me (it's a remote job) to change something's in the work I had done (okay by me) but then asked me if everything was ok because I am not in the level I was supposed to be. All I had to do was change something… I did gladly it wasn't wrong, it was just his preference that I didn't capture at first. I feel useless… I don't know if this…


Huge sign outside saying “HIRING RECEPTION” so I go in and hand them my resume…

to which the guy doesn’t even glance at, (10+ years of admin experience on it btw) just prints out an application and tells me to email it back to him. …what? I…what?


annoying recruiter is correct


How to pay workers well when starting a business?

My wife and I are considering opening a retail shop but we both work full time. This means hiring out about 60hrs/week. I’ve run the numbers and we can’t pay benefits. I’m want staff at $20/hr to start but honestly feel like I’m asking someone to commit to me and giving them very little back. I’m going to break even or make $10k at most so I can’t really pass much along. This doesn’t seem fair to the workers. What would you suggest?


My first potential career was everything this sub is against.

My cluelessness is a bit much; I'm autistic and I was very isolated for the first decade and a half of my life- I didn't even attend school or online school. So I had no concept of what was okay. I got this job in a kind of location-specific company as customer support. I answered calls, went through basic questioning. “What's going on, how long has it been going on, have you tried xyz, can you tell me which lights are on” etc. I fill out the ticket for tech support. We were a “family”. We had each other's backs. Throughout my time there, I was given no scripts, and no training. I worked hard to keep up because if I could learn and advance, they'd pay for my college to get a more significant job within the company. It seemed like a great deal, except that I was constantly…