
what is “anti work” are you guys against work it self or more like the system and injustices it creates?


Can these Indeed Recruiters just go away? 1.) that’s not what I’m looking for. 2.) I don’t wanna work those hours. Get lost.


how to set boundaries with a work place?

Annoyed at this moment, I respect my work place even though they violate a few labor laws, I won't get into that though. This rant is about their idea of meetings, they set a day for us to all come in and have a unpaid meeting, which in my honest opinion isn't worth my gas or time to do on my day off, I know it's illegal that's not the point I'm not trying to sue them or get after them for this I want to tell them that it's not worth my time to come in on my time off to hear them tell us about what we are doing right or wrong and even if it was paid a couple minutes of pay does not make up for my gas.


How do you leave a job when you’ve only been there a few months, without it “looking bad?”

It's pretty damn ridiculous how much value so many employers place on how long you've stayed with another employer. Working 7 years at a job got me the job I have now. 6 months in, and I realize I'm overworked, I work for a boss who is shit at communicating, and tons of people have left us within those 6 months. (I work in higher ed, for a tenure hungry young professor.) With how overwhelmed I am, I'm not sure I can last six more months without either getting canned or becoming a husk. How does one leverage a short position in their favor? Is it better to just suck it up and wait before trying to leave?


Company Said They Wanted to Interview Me, Then Hiring Manager Lied to Boss About Scheduling

So, I'm not sure if this is the right place but I need to share with some community. I applied for an Assistant Director position with an organization in September. I had previously applied for a director role and the department head said I lacked some experience but encouraged me to apply for Assistant Director roles that may open up. Aftef applying for the AD, I got an email from HR saying I had moved to the interview stage and would be contacted by the hiring manager. I didn't hear anything for about a week so I reached back out to HR and they said the hiring manager was busy but they passed the message along. A week later still nothing so I contacted HR again to let them know I was still interested. HR let me know the hiring timeline had been pushed back for other reasons. I thought,…


Mauled by Bears. A dream about HR and Management.

I had a dream I was mauled by Bears. In my dream I walked into a job interview. There were three people sitting at a table with clipboards. I sat down across them. I realized I was at a cabin that was more like an open porch. There were no doors or roof. We started the interview and one of them asked, “What is your experience with bears?” I was so confused. He went on to say, “We have issues with bears at times, and we need to know how you are going to handle the bear situation.”. I could barely process what he was saying. Then a small baby bear came wandering by me. I said to the interviewers, “Oh no, if there is a baby bear, the Mom is around! She gonna be pissed off!” The second guy said to me, 'Well, how are you going to solve…


Well…. This is fun.


Most management does not seek to make our lives easier or more comfortable. They seek an easier and more comfortable life by squeezing eveything they can out of you for as little compensation as possible.

Then when you're broken you pay for it out of your own pocket. This is my Mr. Obvious rant. Sorry, I've just had enough.


“The Condo Millionaire” giving a friendly reminder to squeeze every last possible cent out of your s̶e̶r̶f̶s̶ tenants


last boss was underpaying me illegally by $2 an hour. filed with the DOL in april, and i’m finally getting the money im owed!! (notice the “the payroll was not paying accurately”.. sure buddy)