
Seattle’s downtown needs office workers. Do workers need offices?


a free unpaid break gee thanks


Burnt out from working 4 jobs

This is mostly a frustrated/venting post. I work one fulltime job Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm that pays $13/hr. My second job is that I teach music lessons for about 4 hours after I get off work which makes me roughly $30/hr. The third job is singing with a church that pays me $50/hr. The 4th job is one overnight on Wednesday every week that makes me $13/hr. So all in all I work about 60 hours per week if I don't take anything extra on, and get one day off – Saturday. Well we all know what working 60 hours a week consistently does to a person's health and mental health. So there will be times about every two months where I will call in to my fulltime job just to get some space to breathe, usually when bridges are looking mighty fine to jump from. Everyone else at this office takes…


It is too easy to find a job where you can be happy, even though the biggest complaint is toxic work environment


Remembered a story about an old bookstore I used to work at..

So, back in January 2020 I was working at a used bookstore. Coolest place ever, they let you buy and sell books from them and to them. Pay was decent. Work was easy. I’d been there for about three months or so, and mentioned when I got hired on that I would be having heart surgery to put in a pacemaker on the 2nd of January. They okay’ed it, said they’d schedule me off for that day and the week following. Time comes for the surgery, I go in, have it done, get out, have a missed call from work. I call back, they tell me, “We need someone who’s going to actually show up for their shifts. You’re fired”. WELL. I have no proof it was because of my heart surgery, but I never did miss a day of work prior to it, and since then, I’ve had numerous…


‘How Do Lesbians Have Sex?’ Boss Asked Queer Employee, Complaint Says


Staff party

I went to my partners staff party awhile ago and the employers ordered sub sandwiches from a local place for everyone. I just like that the idea that throwing a pizza party for your disgruntled employees has become such a meme that it’s too on the nose for bosses to order pizza anymore. The subs were actually very good


Grocery store requiring tips turned in?

I recently found out one of the high end grocery stores here requires their employees to turn in their tips. They then claim to forward it to a charity bearing their name. They also give some kind of gift card to the employee, I’m not sure if the card meets the amount of the tips seized or not. Can anyone weigh in on this? I hear a lot of phrases here like wage theft, in regards to bar owners taking the tip jar home. But as much as I normally love it, spare me the rhetoric & discussions of theory. The state is MN, if this is something that changes state to state. In the past I have had jobs where you were required to refuse tips, but I’ve never heard of seizing them before.


Limited Pay = Limited Work Output

If you're stuck living paycheck to paycheck and the boss man refuses to provide an increase in your wages just start limiting your work output to reflect your income. If you're 20% short each pay period only give your employer 80%. When will these scumbags learn that low pay equals low effort. Know your worth. $75k in NYC is not the same $75k in Alabama.


Two jobs in a row where I was “hired,” strung along the onboarding process, then told “they were going in a different direction” and thus I was not actually hired. I am exhausted and I simply cannot catch a break.

Precious time wasted that could’ve been spent looking for a job that would actually follow through. Barely surviving/making rent let alone anything else with one full-time job as a full-time student. I want to cry.