
Does anyone have a positive COVID test I can use?

I am taking this week off so I can do some projects for school that I’ve been pushing off. I let work know I was exposed to COVID and not feeling well. Does anyone have a COVID test I can use? Also can work call my doctor to verify fake test results/note?


Can I get legal help?

A soccer team in my City has been using my personal phone number on their social media pages for 4 years now. I keep asking them to remove it, but they don’t. Can I get legal help? My phone is constantly blowing up with phone calls from people inquiring about their team.


ummm thanks ?


This is what a decade of work in education is worth in my state. Those are pretax earning too btw.


Was I fired in retaliation?

Hey antiworkers, I was working at my first music industry job as part of a team at a large, major music venue. After various concerns stemming from my direct manager's treatment of me, I decided to schedule an appointment with HR to discuss moving to another department in the venue, something that plenty of other employees have done successfully. She told me during our first meeting that it likely wouldn't be an issue, and that she would follow up with me shortly to discuss options after speaking with my manager and anyone else relevant. Now, for the bullshit.. I joined the follow up Zoom call with her a few days later, where she informed me that they've decided to let me go instead of placing me in a different department. Her stated reasons were all things that had happened at work that I was never disciplined for, including speaking to…


How do you change careers?

Is there a way to change careers without taking a massive cut in pay? I've been doing the same type if job for almost 15 years. I really want to do something else… Has anyone has any luck with this?


Got a good reminder yesterday of how much it sucks to work with an asshole.

TL;DR: Drove over 2 hours to help with fieldwork, only to be chewed out right off the bat by a co-worker for getting there 10 minutes after he said to be there, even though we had to wait another 1-2 hours to even start. This co-worker is not my boss, and has often bragged about bullying and shitting on others when they don't meet his standards or they make mistakes. Would love advice on how to handle dipshits like this. I work for a University in their Agriculture division. I am a salaried employee, which means I don't get paid hourly. I get paid the same amount every week, regardless if I work under or over 40 hours a week. Long story short, I have been helping out a nearby station with their projects because they are short-staffed (no surprise, since I found out later they were trying to hire…


Rural ER nurse

A little background: 36 year old RN with 34 year old wife who stays home with our three kids (wife is RN also). Both finishing up our bachelor’s degrees next year. No debt except a mortgage. I work full time. I’ve seen this anti-work stuff, “quiet quitting” and all that. I see a lot of people still working remotely from home. My question is: How does a nurse participate in anti-work/quiet quitting? It’s already difficult enough for me to find work from home as a nurse.


Let’s show it – it’s price-gouging, not inflation

Hey all, I'm frustrated by all this talk bout Inflation when it's really Price-Gouging and Profiteering by large companies and their leadership (for their higher bonuses) Who's working to compile this info into an Excel doc? Does anyone want to do it with me? Pls PM me or comment below. Thanks!


I can’t.