
Now thats Capitalism.


Just here to bitch.

Title. My job fucking sucks. I’m struggling with gallbladder disease. I’m only in my 20’s. It’s hereditary, I can’t control or prevent gallbladder attacks. I’m uninsured, enrollment for Medicaid isn’t until next month, and it’s $15,000 to get removed at the ER which I was was sent to by urgent care after I left work early due to the pain. They told me if I didn’t have it removed I could go into septic shock. Can’t until November. Job has no benefits. Blah blah. Anyway. My boss pulled me aside and asked when he could expect me to be a “team player” and be here for closing as we’re so short on closing shift because I’ve left early or been out due to lack of sleep from an attack twice in the last two weeks. Just fucking kill me at this point


How much longer until we re-brand “Sales” as artificial inflation removal?


Opinion: Dear remote workers: You’re the first to go in recession layoffs – The Globe and Mail

Spotted on LinkedIn…


How do I ask for a reasonable accommodation?

I know this probably isn't exactly the right place for this, but I'm hoping maybe someone can point me in the right direction. My manager views time off requests as “suggestions” which are not guaranteed, whereas I view them as me informing her of dates/times when I will be unable to work, and it's her responsibility to schedule around that. She used to be somewhat flexible when it came to trading shifts, but recently she's on some kind of power trip and won't approve any time off requests, won't allow me to trade shifts with a co-worker, etc. I have a diagnosis that legally qualifies as an ADA protected disability. I want to change my availability so that instead of being completely open seven days a week, there is one specific week day when I'm unavailable for work. That way I can schedule doctors appointments etc and not have to…


How can you escape wage slavery forever?


advice on quitting a job with a manipulative manager

hi! i am an 18 year old girl working in the US, i have a retail job that i enjoy most of the time but i am getting paid $10.50 and work too hard for that pay lol. i work sometimes 12-9/10 having to run product for hours straight and if i ask for a break i’m asked how long i will take, if i can take shorter, how important me being in the floor is, how im wasting time. i have had to come in late because of emergency therapy, because of an accident, was literally throwing up and i’m told how because of my absence the store will not get a lot done and look bad. our staff consists of me, one other store associate, 3 shift leads, 1 assistant manager and the general manager. the other store associate wants to quit because if i’m working then she…


Don’t deny me a position then use my email to send me fucking newsletters


Wanna buy a house in the US?

If you want a house I highly suggest waiting for this current housing market bubble, with it's obviously unrealistic prices, to go ahead and pop. Our current inflation round of corporate greed raising prices on services and groceries but refusing to raise wages will speed up the popping of that bubble. The same corporations are doing this on purpose so they can buy homes for pennies on the dollars. Open your eyes… …buy low, sell high, otherwise this economy will devour your wealth


Getting out of a 45-hour work week (53 if you count commute) to a 30 hr week

I am both scared and excited. I will, for the first time since childhood, no longer be a slave to my job. In my current job I am a nanny, I don't exactly get a lunch break. Don't get me wrong there are times when I sit for a few hours, but the parents WFH and want me to talk with them during my breaks. I am also not really able to eat by myself. They want me to eat with them as a family, and it is awful. The drive to get here is a30 minutes in the morning, and an hour-long drive to get home. I have zero time for myself, and I've been getting cranky lately. I realise it's because I've been chasing a paycheck versus living my life. So I've taken a job at 30 hours a week. It pays high enough to barely pay my…