
I’m an hourly worker in Ontario. I’m being told to join a virtual meeting for a performance review on a day I’m not scheduled to work. Should I be being paid for my time?

Genuinely curious. As the title says, I'm an hourly worker from Ontario. On one of my days off, I've just been told that I must be online for a mandatory meeting at 9am. I almost feel like I should be being paid for my time… Am I right in my thoughts? I don't want to say anything to my manager about it until I've consulted others.


Just wanted to thank you all for all the tips and tricks because I finally got to use them. Come on inside for a tale of extra PTO and back pay!

I’m on mobile if any formatting issues! This will be long, I am sorry in advance lol. I work for a meal prep company with multiple locations in my state. I started back with Company in January. Easy work, in my field, not busting my ass like when I worked in my previous field. I come in, I do my job, I leave. However, we eventually are very understaffed. I don’t mind working weekends, but it was every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If I wanted to get any days of the weekend off, I learned to request off in advance. So I would put in for a day here, a weekend there a few months in advance. I wanted to go to full time, so they needed me to work at the other store one day a week. That’s fine. It was 30 miles away from home and then tolls…


I’m sick of hearing news outlets and big business talk about “silent quitting”

Silent quitting: an application of work-to-rule, in which employees work within defined work hours and engage solely in activities within those hours. In other words, people working while they get paid and not working while they’re not being paid and/or not working on things they are not being paid for/above their job description. It is absolutely despicable to me how this term is being used by corporate officials to shame workers for not going “above and beyond” and blaming us for “labor shortages” when in reality 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and many of us are up to our fucking eyes in debt. Why would we work more than we have to when most of us work up to 40-60 hours a week just to have a fucking roof over our head. Watching rich people sit back and complain that OTHER people aren’t working hard enough to make…


For anyone wondering why we’re against landlords


Record profits and workers are the problem!


Unneeded pip?

I am worried about my husband and his job. There have been some minor issues of sexism when it came to a promotion because they felt it would look bad to promote a man over a woman. And that he was too short and to the point in email. However this is all in hearsay/conversation with his supervisor. I tried to encourage him to report it but he didn’t. His performance is paperwork based where he is out performing his coworkers at 150 percent. They added a call center to his position after he got the job(which they did not give a raise for added work duties). I have overheard him when he takes calls he is courteous and to the point and completely answers the clients questions even asking if there is anything else. However, his supervisor has complained that his phone calls are too short???? Which tbh I…


Not really about work

I applied for an apartment I used to stay at because of my situation. Rent is outrageous now of course I was supposed to move in Saturday but changed it when I was surprised and told the prorated rent come the month after and I would have to pay full rent upfront along with a 600sd the week before intial move in. I then called yesterday to ask about moving in tomorrow she said she would get back to me. Today she called and said the apartment won’t be ready until this Saturday now when it was supposed to already been ready on the 8th. They’re saying I can sign paperwork but I feel as if they should have to pay just like I have to pay 50$ if I move the date also it’s a huge inconvenience I have all my furniture coming out of storage.


Your generation doesn’t want to own a house they only want to rent!

As suitable housing for everyone is the most needed thing in society. The biggest issue I see is that normies nearly always invest into real estate and look to turn a profit, and the older they get the more likely they are to have more investment properties, which only makes less available for the coming of age generation and single adults who don't have family support. The owner of these properties say they are doing a service, “I'm letting people rent out the house”. From my perspective I am unable to afford my rent in a single bedroom apartment that doesn't even have in-suite laundry, I don't have a Netflix subscription, or eat avocado toast or live off of late espressos and my rent also doesn't include utilities. Meanwhile my parents have several investment properties, in which they split the house to allow rental of both the main floor and…


Horrible bosses cause ‘race to the bottom’ – study | Research suggests behaviour of co-workers can mirror hostility of their leaders


Found this at work and had a good laugh.