
Working as intended


Monthly GTM meeting for my company played a clip from The Pursuit of Happiness praising the behavior of Smith’s character packing 9 hrs of work into 6 hrs…

The clip shows Will Smith talking about how he neglected to drink water for 6 hours so he wouldn't “waste time in the bathroom”. He wouldn't hang up the phone in between calls which gained him a whopping 8 minutes a day. At the end they asked people to call out behaviors that they noticed and could implement in their day to day. Capitalism.


Is it normal I keep getting in trouble for things my partner does on the job

Hello, Is it normal I keep getting in trouble because my partner keeps screwing up, he forgets to write names of people who have shifts, he does not check cameras sometimes and misses things. I try to keep track of these things best I can but the client puts me at other positions and gives me other tasks that take a lot of my attention which requires me to always be on patrol for it. My partner never gets in trouble or even spoke to by the supervisor, it always me getting talked to. I tell him that listen its not my fault if my partner screws up, and there response is well its your shift so you are guilty for this. I don’t understand, I go above and beyond and do a lot on my shift but my partner is constantly screwing up or just not doing anything and…


Work backtracked our agreement, and forcefully makes me work up to +20 hours on top of my contract hours


The stock market knows you exploit people Uber… so just admit it.


Forced to use laptop w/ swollen battery

Hey guys just looking for some advice. I work from home and my issued laptop has a swollen battery. I’ve been waiting for my higher up to approve a new one but it’s been over a month and still nothing. I’ve pressed the issue multiple times but there’s been zero movement on the issue. I’ve looked online but not sure what I can do past this. I’m putting my house at risk by being forced to use defective equipment and feel like this isn’t right


I am thinking about quitting my job but I am not sure if I should

I currently work at a company called Club Demonstration Services, they are the people that work inside Costco warehouses giving out samples for the people to eat. I have been working there for almost 3 years so far started when I entered college and now we are here still working, It all started because of a new manager that came in to my job, she wanted everything to be done in a specific way and the correct way. I am currently a supervisor and I always work with her and she tells me what to do, etc. She's always telling me to pick up the pace and that I am doing things wrong. Like there was a specific instant where I entered a receipt wrong into the computer and she told me to stop and not do it anymore. I felt really bad and felt like that I was incompetent.…


Fired for being out sick with Covid

I’ve never worked for a more blatantly evil company. They hire 1 person per shift, have no mask policy, only gave out child sized masks that don’t fit after forcing me to come to work 1 day after testing positive then got fired 2 days later with no actual fireable offense given. Turns out my supervisor had lied and said I was mean to him when I had asked him as politely as possible to “Please back up a bit” verbatim when he hunched over me at the computer so close that I could feel his balogna breath on my ear. And that all the training I completed with that rotted ham sandwich of a human before I got sick was for naught because he didn’t bother marking it as complete. Hope the video evidence is saved since he’s on camera watching me complete the tasks just fine. When I…


had this come up in my explore feed


You know, cause you can’t be productive while sitting. Getting tired of this job.