
Why do we need salespeople for everything??

So I’ve been a plumber for just over 10 years, I’m extremely qualified, and work for a company where I’m the only (good) plumber. This morning while getting material at the boss’ house the sales rep from the water damage restoration place we work with shows up. He steps out of his brand new, fully loaded personal truck wearing expensive clothes. His only job is to convince people they need more work done and tell insurance companies it’s more expensive then it actually is, totally screwing over everyone in the process. I bring my boss in net $5000-$10000 a week making the sale, doing the work, the whole deal and can’t get more than $25/hour out of him. My rent recently went up to $2600/month and my girlfriend can’t get more than 12 hours/week at Target. With our two year old we can’t afford it, like at all. Is this…


New Biden labor rule would make contractors into employees




Thanks to investors for pumping up housing prices


Rapidly progressive entrepreneurphobia. Help.

In recent years, I’ve noticed the symptoms of my entrepreneurphobia worsening fast. I’m afraid my eyes might soon roll out of my head when I hear a person present entrepreneurship as a solution to all of the world’s problems and my eyes might be beneficial to me when I finally overcome my shameful condition and embrace the healthy grindset, so I would really like to keep them. What should I do? Self-help books and courses by brilliant entrepreneurial gurus didn’t really help. I think my inferior brain is not ready for them yet. I even tried printing out posters of Friedman, Thatcher and Reagan and praying to them for guidance, but it didn’t help either. Any tips for me?


Co-Worker a teacher’s pet with toxic management

Has anyone deal with assholes like these? I mentioned how they hired a new manager and he is micro-managy, and big brother (wants to see what everyone is doing all the time) — even my boss see's it as a bad thing (We are small IT group in a medium-sized company) and this idiot co-worker who def has a few screws loose and makes every conversation about himself goes “Well thats what they pay them for, thats how it should be!” And what i hear is “yeah they should get the boot! treat them like shit” I have noticed anyone equal or needing him he treats as beneath him and any manager he is kiss ass… Sorry i just needed to rant, i will probably will be looking for a new job if the company is okay with treating their employees like this, its not cool


Am I overreacting? (Internal job interview)

I interviewed for an internal position 3 weeks ago. In the interview I was told I’d hear back the week of 10/3. I was out that week on vacation. I came back to work yesterday and checked out the internal careers site, to find the job was reposted the week of 10/3. I still have not received word I didn’t get the job or any feedback whatsoever. I contacted the recruiter via email yesterday. Have heard nothing, despite this person being active on IM all day. Like, am I overreacting here? You’d think you would treat the internal candidates a little better than an external one…


My bosses won’t train me because I don’t want to work for them forever.

I didn't expect to post here one day but I need to vent. Sorry for my broken english. I started a new job a few months ago. I was recruited when I had been working elsewhere for 3 years. Given the better salary and more interesting work, I accepted despite the fact that it was quite far from my home (between 30 and 1 hour drive depending on traffic) and the relatively heavy schedules. During the interview, they asked me if I was planning to have children soon. It was already a bad sign but I had just bought a house and I needed the money. Now jumping to this morning. My bosses call me in their office to ask me why I don't smile when I say hello in the morning. They tell me that I look “in a bad mood” when I arrive. I tell them it's just…


Reminder: You have a boss who’s job is to handle the stress. Not to transfer to you!

I am the Head of my department of a company handling 60 Million in Annual revenue. I hate being the head because all the problems become my problem. I try to be a good manager because previously I had a good manager and I learned from him that my problems are mine and that I must not transfer to my co-workers and anyone who is working under me and that THEIR problems are mine too to handle. “The buck stops here” applies to this situation to a certain degree (English is my 4th language so please excuse if wrong saying). I see here constantly that managers do not know how to manage. A good manager knows how to… MANAGE. It's literally in the title. And it's always in benefit of the manager to be a good boss. I, as a manager, have to work 8 AM till 10 PM and…


Was reminded by my boss about National Bosses Day

My boss had her administrative assistant remind staff that National Bosses Day was the 16th and to make sure to take up a collection for a gift. The admin and I had never scene this level of tacky before. Boss has only been on the job a little over 3 months.