
How many candy is in jar?

How many do you think is in here? I took pic of all four sides.


Quit… find something new.


yeah, good work…


I like to book a meeting with myself after lunch so I can nap for 30 minutes.

As the title states, I'm the sole programmer of a company and I don't really get tracked on what I do on a daily basis, so I've started booking a meeting room for a 30 minute power nap on the couch in there. I close the shutter for the door so no one can peek in. I get really tired after eating and it really helps give me a boost of energy for afternoon work.


boss/Owner telling me I betrayed him by talking about salaries

So last night after 10 days of not speaking to me I finally ask what in the world is the issue. He text me and says that someone came to him that I had spoken about salaries. First off this happened 3 months ago and the ops manager already settled it. Second he told said person and myself it's settled don't speak of it again not quite legal but I get where he's coming from. So for whatever reason said coworker went straight to the owner….3 months later….third he claims I went looking for the info I didn't. I'm the IT guy and the ops manager left it open full screen on one of my every other night remote ins for maintenance. I even told the ops mannger 3 months ago when we talked how to set up password protection in excel and to not leave things like that open,…


Customer makes a fast food worker have a break down


I hear more people complaining about gas prices than housing prices.

Yeah gas is crazy expensive and it sucks to pay it, especially for people who have far daily commutes. But for most it's a price we can still shell out and in the grand scheme of things isnt a huge sum of extra cash spent at the end of the year. BUT LOOK AT HOUSING. Home that were 209k a few years ago are now 400k. Homes that were 500k are now 1 million! All this while wages have hardly moved. Look at the rent prices! How are we supposed to buy a house these days? Afford rent ? Leftover for savings/retirement/miscellaneous? To me the housing crises seems huge compared to the gas issue. But all I really hear people talk about is gas this gas that bla bla bla when me and everyone I know are sitting here literally unable to buy a home (even with solid jobs). How…


Apple Store staff prepare to strike for better pay


What it feels like working in any service industry


Today my boss was rude. Should I quit?

My boss was out for a couple of weeks (a wedding, then sick). I saw him this morning and was happy and surprised to see him so I excitedly exclaimed, “Hey, (name)!” He looked at me said hi and then walked away. He is the owner of the business. Not a word of how I’ve been or at the least seeming happy to see me. I’m torn because his nephew is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met and I love working for him. I just wish (name) would retire already… Edit: nephew is co-owner