
Manager tried to give me shit about me leaving right when my shift ended

I work at a fast food chain that is known for its chicken fingers and yesterday after working a double shift (which I was basically forced to work) I was absolutely exhausted and ready to leave at my scheduled time. However my manager said he needed me to stay an extra 30 minutes to do something and when I brought bup that it was also past 10pm, he said that whatever the schedule says is more a “suggestion” and not set in stone. I told him I had to leave cause I had already cut my break short by half an hour just to do them a favor and I needed to go home and submit an assignment. He told me “fine, you can go home if you really want to” with a clearly annoyed tone in his voice and kept being moody til I left. . This was the…


Abuse/Wage Theft in Academia

Hi all, my friend is doing a research assistant position in Econ. His boss is very pushy and abusive to the point he broke down initially. Everyone around her does not want to work around her as she keeps asking for tasks that normally takes 3 days to be done in 1 and dismisses others’ feeling and when they try to be realistic with her. She does not care how long the work needs to be done it just has to be. There is no time off no holidays and he just works everyday for these research projects. Today he was told that she did not notice he has been logging in his overtime hours and he is being paid three times his normal wage. That is the amount of work she requests and he was fine with doing it since he was being paid. She would gaslight him by…


Help me understand holiday pay

I keep doing the math in my head and I think I’m right but surely not. My company doesn’t close for holidays but does honour stat holidays. Working on a holiday gets you double pay but I fail to see how that’s any advantage over those who aren’t scheduled to work the holiday. A) Not scheduled – you earn an extra days pay B) Scheduled at 2X pay – you earn an extra days pay and miss spending the holiday with your family! Am I missing something? And I being taken for a fool when I’m offered to work a holiday for that “double pay” am I the fool? lol Thanks and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving


Thought you guys might get a kick off this fake job listing I made for a university assignment.


Just a line on an excel sheet not a human

So my manager sends me a text saying “stopping at storage is not an excuse to not finish your full route” So I get about 18 stops every day which is really tight schedule and should anything go wrong I am behind on my schedule . Yet regardless of whether I need to stop for supplies or if a job takes a bit longer I need to complete my entore schedule. Oh and they don't want us working overtime to boot… Make it make sense, all I see is higher ups in front of a spreadsheet…


Job boards inflated salaries

Hello, I was looking at posts on another subreddit and it was for a developer job paying a ridiculously low salary. Cynically, I suspect that some companies/recruiters post these jobs to drag down perceived salaries. Do you think this is the case? Do you think that if there’s a way to post jobs with artificially inflated salaries, it will provide some leverage to the laborforce? Ex, put pricing pressures on employers? What are the downsides?


Fired by company that only hired me to mess with my old boss

TLDR: Shady company lies about why they fired me and my coworker P1/2: For context, last year I started working for my father’s friend’s HVAC company. I was his only employee and things were going well until the company we were subcontracted by cut us off after we finished our last job. We were promised constant work but after that job we heard nothing for almost 3 months. My boss was going through a lot of personal family issues and sometimes wouldn’t show up (sometimes it was because they either didn’t pay him on time or they underpaid him for the hours he worked; his last check was short $1500). They ended up offering me a position, and after 3 months of little-to-no work, I needed a set schedule with a steady flow of income so I accepted. However, after a lot of drama, they never ended up rehiring my…


wow thanks for the free dinner a fucking sausage roll.

I started at a place last month apparently they've been promised a free dinner for like 2 years and are just now getting it currently only 8 people work on my shift. Management said we can have 2 pizzas but we couldn't settle on 2 pizza topping so instead of using the billions of dollars this company is worth to buy a third pizza they decided we all get sausage rolls from the gas station 1 per person totally 1.79 each are you fucking serious.


People do want to work!

After finding a job with amazing pay, benefits & management I've realised the job it self is redundant. Having a manager you can get along with & treats you with respect will cure half the workplace problems. Post isn't to brag, its to show when people are treated like humans despite the work, you'll wake up wanting to do your best for the company. Don't give up people, keep switching jobs till you find the one.


I successfully sued a former employer for misclassification and more

Title says it all. I was an independent contractor who was doing the job of an employee for nearly a year. When I brought up the fact that I believed I was misclassified, I was let go with no notice, which in my state, qualifies as retaliation. There were multiple other violations of labor law based on my employment. The money I got was not life changing. Most of it went to the fucking lawyer and the IRS. But I am still glad I stood my ground and sued their asses. This wasn't the first time I had been misclassified by an employer, just the first time I fought back. If you are thinking of doing the same, I suggest you document the shit out of everything, don't speak to other employees about your plans, and if you can't afford to pay for a lawyer outright, find a good lawyer…