
How do employers push their employees to treat people in ways that they otherwise wouldn’t?

I worked accounts receivable and felt compelled to become angry with customers who were delinquent. I didn't give a shit if they paid or not. Didn't affect me. After calling them I felt conflicted because the frustration I exhibited with them was fake. When a co-worker doesn't get me an important report. I feel the need to express how upset I am with them to my manager/coworkers. I actually don't give a shit about the report. I feel compelled to behave in ways I otherwise wouldn't outside of work because I need to ensure that my job security is solid. I don't actually care about the actual work. It's not my company. I think there's a misconception that in order to appear like you care, you have to get angry. My work ethic doesn't work like that. I feel foreign. How do companies promote this sort of culture? The ones…


Worked my first day at a job today: No PTO for the first year!

Should I have brought it up in the interview? Sure, but I was desperate for a job. I assumed, and maybe it made an ass of me, that it would be (an unacceptable!) 2 weeks! Imagine my surprise when they said “no PTO for the first year”. At least you get to after your first year, right? Yeah, 1 week after that! WOOOoooo. I need to get a new job asap… but man, I don't know how to make a living freelancing online. I just don't have the skills yet…


Just Florida things


Something I wrote about workers exploiting and then some.

Lives falling into desperation as health deteriorates. Snapping at the realization that debt is a car accident away. Starve to save to eat on payday while breaking under hunger pain. Stress until ulcers become cancer and spread into weeks left. Regret and anger spinning in circles bargaining to nothing. Nothing left to fight for because love and goals are meaningless. Gurgling while surrounded by vultures as life slowly fades away with a lifetime of pain, oh so alone.


Boss told me to be aware of my tone in emails

My supervisor and I had a meeting with a team lead from another section. This team lead is full of bullshit and pretty much makes simple things very complicated. He does this to justify his role and to make himself look busy. My supervisor snapped on the team lead too during this meeting. Then this team lead went to my supervisor’s boss, whining and complaining. My supervisor during my annual review told me he knows this person is annoying, but to be careful in my emails. He told me he can sense my frustration in my emails (we have been working remotely). My email responses are written professionally and lays out why the team lead is wrong. I prove the team lead wrong and others see it too, but they tell me to just be careful about my tone in my emails. What kind of nonsense is this? I’m ready…


Missed a call for a final interview for grad position, no answer when I call back?

Somebody from HR please help me understand what’s going on. I applied for a job. I did a personality and logical reasoning test. I passed, and did a video interview answering 3 questions. I passed that, and did a group interview. A week after the group interview I missed a call as I was in class at Uni. They left a message saying they would like to interview me and told me to call back as soon as possible. 1 hour after the missed call I called back and didn’t get an answer. I wrote a text message to the number I got a call from apologising and that I was in class. I called 2 more times later that day no answer. That was on Thursday. Friday I didn’t hear back, now it’s Tuesday where I’m from and I’m wondering if they will ever get back to me.


is it bad if i dont want to help my coworkers complete tasks

my boss is suddenly on me about not helping my coworkers before i leave for the day. the thing is, my job is very individual based, you are given the task and you, alone, complete it. and even go home early if your responsibilities are done. but recently a coworker of mine, who always run later into their shifts bc they dont finish their tasks in a timely manner. now whenever this happens it is usually our responsibility. plus we get overtime & we are all paid under min wage so i know i dont mind the extra pay. so they dont finish in time but i do, i had like maybe 5 mins before my shift ended so i pack up & leave. but then i got an email that i should be helping my coworkers that fall behind before i leave. but honestly, i dont want to. i…


Inequality in work hour allocation

My partner works for Royal Mail in the UK. Currently on a part-time contract. The staffing office doles out overtime on a strict aggregate system, based on accumulated overtime per person. Problem is that if you are on a six hour contract and trying to increase your pay to full-time (37) hours, you end up with such a high aggregate that all the full-time staff, that do overtime, can fill their boots with up to 70 total hours a week if they have signed an opt-out form for the working time directive. How is this ethical, or even legal for the business to give priority treatment to full-time staff to boost their pay? One employee managed to boost their full-time night pay to almost £55k last year with overtime. Surely this is against the rules of the Equality Act? I feel that it should come the under indirect discrimination section…


Reporting sexual harassment to HR if the coworker told me but seems reluctant to speak up?

I was told today by my male coworker, that a coworker from another department (who is actually in the process of being transferred into our dept) stood behind him during a group photo at the company parade event. My coworker was holding the banner with both hands when the other male standing behind him allegedly grabbed his ass. It was a clear squeeze, not an accidental rub. The alleged suspects mother was also standing to the right of the male victim to which he stated he was not sure who actually grabbed him in that moment. Now after hearing about this male's upcoming transfer, we started to hear the rumors that he had stolen employees' tips in the past as well as walking out with a whole case of water. Keep in mind he is transferring to a loss prevention role where we normally keep a certain level of integrity…


Have you joined the quiet quitting being talked about at the moment? If you are, what changes have you made?