
i need help/advice/to rant

i apologize in advance for the length. so, i work as a detailer at {insert car rental company here} i am the sole opener and i get in at 5:30a, sometimes 6am. when i get there, i have to walk across the parking lot to unlock fuel pump. i also refill all the bottles in our 4 stations that are empty as night shift ends at 1am and they just wanna go home. i don’t blame them. each station has 2 sanitizing bottles, 1 deodorizer, 1 glass cleaner and 1 misc (could be carpet cleaner or multipurpose spray) i also have to refill the other things we need like 3 kinds of paper things we need to put in the car and a thing of clorox wipes. i then also have to empty the dirty rag bin at each station. here’s the problem: i live in alaska. walking to the…


Contract job unpaid time off

How many unpaid hours/days are usually allowed to be taken on a 12 month contract job? I’m thinking of applying for a Boeing contract worker position(no PTO) but I would like to take 2-3 weeks off unpaid maybe 4 or 5 times during those 12 months.


Real ad for a groom job I saw


I was wondering if anyone can explain the 7 minute rule to me and if I am able to clock out at 7:23 when my schedule says 7:30


wanting to call out for valid reasons but not sure how to preface it

hello, i am having some trouble trying to figure out how to call out of work tomorrow. i am in university full time and have recently been put under a great deal of stress from work/school. for the past 2 weeks i have not had a single day off from both work and school. tomorrow i work an important shift and without me being there things would be extremely difficult for everyone else. however i have an obscene amount of homework to do and there is no way i am going to get it done tonight. all of said homework is due wednesday at 8:30 am. i am expected to work the majority of the day tomorrow, starting early and ending late enough to where i only have about 5 hours till i should be in bed. i am very stressed about getting all of this homework done because they…


I got robbed and have no window in my car but my job is guilting me to come into work

I work as a pharmacy tech in a hospital. i work overnights and i am the only tech who works that shift. my job is currently a shitshow since we have three technicians who call out at least once a week and everyone knows they are lying about why and usually call about 25 minutes before their shift to say they will not be coming in. I was 5 hours away this weekend and someone broke into my car, stole all my stuff that was hidden and smashed my passenger side window in the process. I had to tape garbage bags to my window so i could get my car home and i have an appointment to get it fixed wednesday. i told my job this and said i wouldn’t be able to come in for one single shift since i have no window and was the victim of a…


if you notice, jobs has condensed their “training” down to days, or even hours.. they want you to quit

they want to hire new people, over work them for little pay, then just replace you with the next person if everyone is cycling thru shitty jobs. we are basically just going in a circle.. you quit taco bell and go to mcdonalds. i quit mcdonalds and go to taco bell.. the grass is NEVER greener any more thats what they want. an endless loop of miserable people looking for greener grass and never finding it. they give no shit if we quit in a day or a month and if for some miracle you do stick around and let them over work you for little pay.. yippie its win win for them


Unfair wage

To make a long story short this past Friday my coworker (we'll call Bob) told me that our coworker (Susan) is making $1 more than us late last week. Susan was hired no more than four weeks ago and is way younger than me. Today, I talked to Susan at work and asked her directly how much she makes and told me she makes a little over $16/hour. I always help my bosses out by coming in when there are problems with the schedule. I asked my supervisor at the end of August for a raise, which I did not get. No problem, whatever. But to hear that someone that was just hired is making more money than me and is many years younger than me is a slap in the face. Should I ask for raise and if it needs to come down to me saying “I know a…


My attempt at pay negotiation. Feedback welcome

Some background. I currently work in an emergency Department at a hospital. Recently I applied and have been hired in a different department. Then came to the realization that my new salary seems way under what I feel it should be. The following is a conversation with HR from last week to present. TL;DR: asked for more money and was told no. ME: Hello HR drone I have been thinking more on the amount offered for the position and have come to the conclusion that the offer is severely undercompensated. The position that I have accepted is highly specialized. Only ONE other person has this role. I know that my counterpart has many years of experience in the radiology department, as well as a lengthy tenure within [Hospital Name]. Therefore, I don't expect our compensation to be matched, but with the new salary adjustments coming up in the following year,…


Got told today we have 3 weeks of work left for my job for the year. Wonder how much my ceo makes.