
Drew a picture based off of a quote I saw on here


There’s a retreat that pays $1200 for an entire year and requires 65+ hours. Bear in mind, they’re looking for “students” who have classes during these dates. You won’t pay me enough to want to do this work


HR 401k Loan for home purchase

Hello. I am in the process of purchasing a home. I put in a request for a loan 10/3. There was some back and forth with my HR but I was informed that once I sent over paperwork needed on 10/6 that things were approved and fine. I followed up again on 10/8 saying that I needed conformation that the loan was approved and that I needed the funds in my account by 10/14. My HR emailed me back on 10/8 stating the loan was canceled and will need to be re-submitted. I did this and followed up Monday to be sure my expectations would be met. I was told that if the funds didn’t clear in my account by 10/14 that I would be cut a check. Per the lender a check will not work. I’m at a loss. I put this request in with plenty of time, I…


Asked my boss if I needed to come in, he left me on read, then yelled at me for not coming in

After asking 2 managers if I needed to come in for this shift neither of them gave me a response. One of my bosses has his read receipts on, so he knew I was confused on the protocol. I decided to cut my losses and not come in. The boss who left me on read yelled at me for not coming in today. I asked him why he read my message and didn’t respond. He goes, “It was my day off.”


What are your thoughts on the newest Rick and Morty episode, regarding a world without work?


The Perfect Work Day. Whatever.

[copied from someone’s LinkedIn Profile] wake up at 4:30 am every morning. Write an entire week's worth of content. Read for 30 minutes. Take a 6-mile walk. Shower. Listen to a podcast before my workday starts. Look over an investment opportunity. I have 2-3 client meetings lined up. Complete a business project. Every afternoon I call my parents at 4 pm on the nose. Then I Peloton. Shower again. My wife and I have a super healthy dinner. 30 more min of reading. A quick meditation. A cup of tea. In bed by 9:45p. Feeling awesome. Smile as I nod off. The perfect day. It's also not true. It's just a silly made-up fairytale. Every time you read something like this, just remember that human beings weren't designed to be productivity machines. In fact, one of my favorite “productivity hacks” is to stop trying to be productive all of the…


If robots did everything for practical survival and humans did everything for creativity would it even be sustainable?

long term?


Please no more reposts of the HR ping pong table screenshot

This ping pong table post was funny this fist few hundred times it was posted. Now it has grown very stale. Please do not repost that HR ping pong table image again. It's been here thousands of times.


Until Starbucks stops crushing unions at every turn, Spend your money somewhere else.


What’s a better thing to ask when meeting someone new?

I’d say it’s fairly common to ask new people what they do for a living when you meet them but since work shouldn’t define a person (and often doesn’t) what is a good question to ask a person in place of this?