
Do you want better working conditions? Unionize.

It’s no mystery why the lifestyle and livelihood of the average working person has plummeted for decades, despite what is happening in the economy. It’s unions. Someone here will fill in the details if they want to, because I don’t remember them precisely. But generally Ronald Reagan made it more difficult to unionize, and succeeding administrations and court rulings have only amplified the problem. But the fact is people who work in union shops generally have better pay and working conditions than people in the same kind of job who don’t. Collective action (the thing a union does in big and small ways every day) is incredibly effective. This is why billionaires spend so much time fighting them. Organize and negotiate as a unit. It’s not easy, but it will get easier , the more people do it. I’m not an expert in this stuff but I’ve worked for both…


Boycott ULine


got tired of working for a psychotic group of managers so during the pandemic I got to focus on my art & leave


Can I give notice to resign while on Statutory Sick Pay? UK

I'm off three weeks because of mental health, can I quit my job and give notice while off work?


So proud of my kid: “I don’t want to get promoted” on Oculus VR

Recorded my kids playing a VR game on Oculus simulating working a grill, and honestly it’s what I dream about doing at work too!


Explain to me how I “do not meet the minimum qualifications”? Thanks, ATS.


When you’re asked to get your shift covered…

…how do you respond? I'm of the opinion that it's not my responsibility, especially if I told you it was due to an urgent thing and I'm currently at my day job. Bonus if I don't have anyone's contact info.


hate my boss love my job

My boss is horrible at managing and is a huge asshole to most, not just me. I am so tired of working for them. I love my job, I work remote and pretty much decide my own schedule and tasks. The big problem is my boss is the owner of the business, so transfer to a different manager seems like it would be impossible especially since I have worked for my boss for close to 12 years now.. I have been grinning and bearing it since may 2020 and I'm tired of the constant shifty comments and being a punching bag for their frustration. I keep ruminating on the following questions and would love some insight from folks: Am I giving up on myself/career or being bratty if I leave the role I love in an industry that I enjoy? Conversely, am I just another abuse victim if I continue…


BMWED membership voted against ratification of the tentative national agreement reached with the Class I freight railroads, sending the two sides back to the bargaining table and resetting the countdown to a potential work stoppage.


Let’s Pretend

Without repercussions: if you could say anything to your greedy, entitled, lazy, “people just don’t want to work” boss; what would you say?