
Funeral Disturbance

So my father VERY recently passed. Later the day of his passing my mother’s bossed called to say “sorry for your loss, have you given any thought to your return?” Then the boss had the nerve to show up to the funeral home and ask again when she would be returning to work. My mother was off because my father was on hospice. Once her PTO bank ran out she is no longer getting paid. My question is: what recourse does she have? Is there something I can do? She lives in USA and works for a hospital. I would advise her to go to HR, but it is my understanding the boss is friends with HR head and anyone who has complained has been removed or written up. She is not ready to return and I don’t think she is financially in a place where she feels comfortable just…


How close are you to not working?

Genuine question for the room. Let's say, hypothetically, you could have a “job” in name only, still have an income, but get to spend all of your time as free time uninterrupted. When you add up your breaks, downtime, vacation, ect, how close are you to that 0 hour job? For example, I have a 45 minute commute each way to work but when I get there I usually only do like 2 hours actual labor on average, so my total work time is only like 3.5 hours a day.


For gods sake don’t even think about taking FMLA leave, you’ll be completely shunned

While my employer is inclusive in their public image and want to look good, on the inside they are smelly and rotten. My father had developed alcoholic liver disease and my mother couldn’t handle taking care of him, I took intermittent FMLA and my employer and manager completely turned their attitude around on me when I’m in the office. They started to have a cold demeanor and talk to me like I’m a child. I’ll say this one last time type talk They want to push someone out of the door just because they need time with their family. I know what they’re doing, and it’s mentally draining.


Employer has partnered me up with someone who attacked another member of staff. (UK)

The headline pretty much says it all but basically a team leader at another branch strangled another staff member up against a door for “not doing as he's told” (his words) and got a suspension, demoted to staff and has to come work with us in a smaller laid back branch until Christmas. I'm absolutely baffled he didn't get fired first off, secondly I can't believe they've sent him here to calm down like we're therapists or something? I come to work for money not as training wheels. He still acts like a team leader as well but I'm adament about not following any passive aggressive order or I'll have absolute hell for the next month. The real icing on the cake is the man he attacked is the current managers son in law… and as a wannabe team leader he's constantly in the managers office with absolutely no sense…


Crosstrain me at the last minute? Not my problem.

I work at a print shop. The guy who prints all the signs is on vacation (which they should have prepared for) all week this week. My boss is his backup, but he was out sick today. My boss then decides it is my duty to learn/crosstrain on his poisition over the phone while he coaches me through it. Suddenly, I am the one who has to put out the dumpster fire he created. I told them no over and over and he gave me the “you're not a team player” speech. Give me a break, or you know, PAY ME MORE and be better prepared next time. Skeleton crews don't work if you're a multimillion dollar company.


‘A Huge Deal’: Major Rail Union Rejects White House-Brokered Contract Proposal


because under capitalism everything is made to turn a profit, not to actually benefit your life


Not my post but what say this sub: I got an offer to take over my manager’s role for only 6% higher than my current salary. They say it’s best and final, but I know my manager made more. I don’t know what to do.


this is my last straw

I've posted here before asking advice on if i should quit — shitty management , no accomodations for people who need it, can't call out without repercussions, long shifts (retail), manager pressuring me to work more when i physically can't — so i know i need to get out. but i was still a bit on the fence until today. this morning i cracked my wrists, and one of my hands must have not cracked correctly. the area under my thumb hurts when i put more than a pound of pressure on it or i move my hand certain ways. i told my manager that i need to come in late tomorrow, possibly even call out because i need to go to the doctors. he tells me he'd rather me come in, and not to be too late, because he barely has anyone working tomorrow to close. even though we…


Been laughing at this for a few days now

Apologies if this has already been posted before.