
Sister targeted for sex trafficking, management does nothing

I (17F) have a sister (15F) that was the target of harassment at her workspace. For the sake of this story, I’ll call her S. To set this up – 3 guys walk into her establishment and start complimenting her, asking her questions, etc. Immediately there were red flags with how they were talking, and my sister for safety’s sake was responding with phony answers. Meanwhile, one of her coworkers was clarifying real details about S, which she gave her a look when the coworker didn’t stop. The three people that came in started asking her more questions – where do you live, when do you get off – and then started saying that they would take S to (down south of us) and she would never have to work again. S at this point went to the back, where the 3 could not see her, and approached her manager.…


Fuck Whole Foods

Fuck the lady that watched me with hot foods at the self-checkout at Whole Foods. I couldn’t imagine caring that much about a billion dollar corporation. Like the food would come out of her pocket. You know self-checkout was invented to replace you and make you homeless.


Just ridiculous.


Could I be denied pay from already approved PTO if I just don’t return afterwards?

Essentially as it says in the title. I work for Whole Foods and have accrued a week's worth of paid time off which I'm set to use at the end of the month. It has already been approved and is on the schedule, but as conditions are worsening here I very much want to leave (I actually almost walked out today), but I don't want to miss out on the PTO because obviously that's a week of pay I don't have to work for. If I stay working here until my week off begins and then simply never return at the end of the week, would they be able to deny me that week's worth of pay?


When the main race in a fast food restaurant “plays favourites”


US economy will soon start losing 175,000 jobs a month, Bank of America warns


Started new job, 13 hours no break!!

I started a new job this past Friday. Was originally supposed to work from 10am until 4pm. Was asked by the chef to work the dinner shift, I obviously agreed.. bad mistake. 13 hours, no break offered to me! Maine laws require a 30 minute break to be offered after X amount of hours worked.


My employer closed doors suddenly without paying out final checks. =)

This is a throwaway. I'm a chemist living in Southern California. My last employer did not pay me, or any other staff, our August 31st paychecks. They terminated all of us September 23rd and shuttered the lab. My former colleagues and I have chased every lead we can think of. Labor Day weekend was spent emailing local government officials and I got a myriad of responses. Some helpful, some not. I have consulted with lawyers. They all say we have a case, they won't take it because of the low potential payout for them- once we get our owed money. I have complaints in with the appropriate government officials, who are moving very slow with no resolution in sight. Meanwhile, everything I've built for the last 11 years of my working life I risk losing because of this stupid system with no recourse for workers who get put in this…


Remote Worker Owed $73,000 After Being Fired for Refusing to Turn on Webcam


A reminder for everyone: Better working conditions, better pay, etc., is all well and good. But in the long term we are talking about the abolition of work.