
Proletariat is defined by ones relationship to Capital and the means of production. If you own no means of production and only market value you have is your labor power which you sell then you are Proletariat.


My nearly 40 year old manager posted this on Facebook:|


Just another capitalist putting money before basic human decency


HR logic


Union Power!


Had a dream where I was rehired by the company that abruptly fired me. Hilarious!

Sorry for the long post, but I just couldn't help but share the dream I just had: In the dream, I was rehired by the fintech company that fired me 3 years ago. It was my first day of orientation and I was being shown the ropes by another salesperson who had only been there for a few weeks. (Compared to my 7 years previous.). During the training I asked him lots of questions I already had knowledge to, compared his sales quotas to my previously held ones, and just played along until I'm seated alone at my new open office cubicle. Senior management suddenly walks onto the floor and are actively discussing various problems they are facing in a frenzy, and I'm smiling to myself while listening as I realize not much has changed. The conversation abruptly stops when one of them notices me and asks “Who is that?”…


Let go & feel like I’m being gaslit

Rant incoming. My employer called me on a Wednesday at 3pm ish to tell me they’ve decided to let me go as they can no longer financially afford to keep me on. I was gutted (I’m in the process of buying a house and the timing couldn’t be worse) but admittedly I have not been truly happy at work since the summer, in part because the same manager bitched about me in a work group message (which I and others saw). Since then, I’ve struggled internally to feel as at ease given the bitchy remarks. The manager also tried to delete them, deny it happened and also went on the attack by saying a serious discussion about my future was required after I expressed hurt about the messages. I’ve had nothing but positive performance reviews and good comments from management, but the bitchy group message explicitly stated they’ve all been…


Europe is different


Why do we think work must “have purpose?”


Accepted time off the day after?

I (16 m) work at walmart. I take drum lessons (which they are aware of) and i keep getting scheduled when i should be going to my lesson. When i talk to the manager she says she won’t schedule me… It got to the point i used the app to ask for time off weeks in advance. Last week i checked the schedule and saw i was scheduled to go in at 3 and i had requested the time off and they hadn’t accepted it. I skipped my lesson and went to work. I spend 80 dollars a month whether i go or not so i lost money and then the day after my manager accepted my time off request… I also can’t quit because my parents will murder me. I don’t want to cancel my drum lessons but i am starting to feel like that is the only option.