
California has a terrible labor law. The Biden administration wants to take it national


Imagine being convinced to leave a stable job you’ve had for 10 years for a new company only to be fired a year later AND after you’ve just had a newborn.


What do y’all think about this ? I disagree.


I Hate Beating Around The Bush

Just got off the phone with a recruiter who, on the plus side, was very honest. Despite saying I would be advanced, the recruiter stated that I may not be suited for this position due to lack of long-term employment at one company. As a recent college graduate I have limited work experience pertaining to my career field. In addition, the last job I held was fucking horrible. I left because I was underpaid, overworked, and oh, the company violated a number of labor laws. Did I state that to the recruiter? Hell no. But you know what, it's ridiculous having to tip toe/sugar coat/beat around the bush with recruiters or employers. Maybe if they knew the true reason why I don't have commitment to one employer for 2+ years is because they are a shit employer. Maybe they the recruiter wouldn't simply judge what's on my resume and actually…



I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit for this, but does anyone have any resources about how to unionize your workforce and what the first step would be? Would I need to start with a petition or something? I have no idea how to do this.


I completed a mandatory training but my employer refuses to pay me. Is it wage theft?

I work remotely in Ohio but my employer is in Arkansas. The training was only one hour long so it's not a lot of money but this was many people in my training group and everyone experienced this. Plus however many more before us. They're calling the training a “getting up to compliance for onboarding paperwork.” (internal processes training, not an external certification) It was done the week before the first day of 'official work' so in my timesheets I can't ask for it because my timesheet capabilities don't even have that week. Do I just cave because it's “only” an hour? Do I report it to AR Department of Labor? Do I report it to OH Department of Labor? Can employers have mandatory training about stuff like company history and security phishing (and required to pass a test) without paying you?


For $20ph in NYC you need to be an accountant, chef, reporter, writer, web designer, graphic designer, Bachelor’s Degree, pay her bills, driver, general slave, acting and rehearsal partner, on call 24/7, copyrighter, speech writer n editor, secretary, proficient in Microsoft n Google suites…..


88 year old couple when asked for some secrets to a happy 70 year marriage. Refreshing to see elderly people who truly understand.


My girlfriend has been applying to jobs that are asking her if she’s disabled/what disablities she has. Is this legal? And what can we do about it?

From my Google search, no, but I wanted to hear what other people had to say. As the title says, my girlfriend has been filling out applications which apparently ask if she is disabled or has a disability. In their list of disablities, they include: Autism, auto-immune disorder, blind/low vision, cancer, heart disease, cerebral palsy, depression or anxiety, epilepsy, gastrointenstial disorders, intellectual disability, nervous system conditions, and psychiatric conditions (bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD, etc.) among other things. I was immediately angry when I found this out, so I googled it and the answer I found was no, it's not legal to ask about. They are only allowed to ask if you need reasonable accomodation to perform your job. So asking about things like depression and anxiety and gastrointestinal disorders doesn't make any sense to me. Granted, in the example I saw, there was a “I don't wish to answer” box, but…


Student loans shouldn’t have to be paid until the Federal Government learns to pay its own debts.

Just what the title says. It's real funny that members of both houses of Congress insist on people paying for unaffordable education when Congress is by far the biggest reason for an unaffordable education (also add the fed reserve). The World Reserve currency is the… US dollar (after WW2, as back then it was said the “dollar was as good as the then reserve, gold.) Richard Nixon, a Republican, suspended the convertibility from dollar to gold due to speculators and inflation. Before, gold would keep a government (at least partially) honest as people and other governments could sell their dollars for gold if the government was inflating the dollar too recklessly. Now, Congress gets gets a rubber stamp approval from the fed reserve (also evil) to essentially print more money–which is backed by nothing, into existence, to pay off its debts. As a matter of fact, our inept Congress is…