
Why do people love getting treated like shit and cannot fathom rebelling?

Long story short, had a nice job as a camp Counselor then management started getting bitchy. Said I wasn’t looking after the kids enough (I shit you not I was always watching the kids and never wandered) plus went up to my friend and said they have no friends and need to make some (legitimately what they said). I quit because of the treatment and so did my friend then tons of people were surprised I did. Like they also put up with management’s bullshit and did NOTHING? What the hell? Like you know the “fluoride stare” meme. Like these people give me that exact stare. Buddy, the higher ups ASSUME shit about you after having put in so much fucking effort. Not only that, but “positively” they assume shit that isn’t true. I got a 5 star rating for my creativity rating (making games for the kids) yet never…


What do think of this??


Interview canceled for the dumbest reason.

I was applying for a job but never actually completed the application. I did however upload my resume to their company website just never actually submitted the application. Two days go by and a recruiter emails me saying they’re going to delete my application if I don’t submit it. I end up not submitting my application because I didn’t see this email, but also who deletes applications after two days. This week I get a voicemail from the hiring manager saying she wanted to interview me for the position and speak to me about my resume. I find this weird because I never submitted the application but I call back to set something up. I decide to go back to the website and complete my application and as soon as I submit it I get an email saying they are not going to consider me for the position. I email…


Posted elsewhere: Five years at a job, listed as 35 hours a week, but never worked less than 40. Am I getting cheated?

I recently asked payroll about a floating holiday discrepancy and was told that the difference was due to my being a 35 hour a week employee rather than a 40 hour a week one. I've never worked less than 40 per week, usually 42 or more, and I've been here five years. I'm paid hourly, so they aren't shorting my hours; I'm just wondering why I would be listed as a 35-hour a week employee when I have never worked so little. I've called my union representative already and left a message. What should I expect to talk about when I hear back from him?


Help Wanted


I asked for a raise. Now I’m a bad employee.

There is a lot more here, but I want to keep this as short as possible. It goes something like this… mass exodus of good, important employees (including direct manager) asks higher up manager (HUM) what’s going to happen and what to expect He does not have an answer, but he intends to have a meeting to discuss everything. meeting does not happen more employees leave HUM tries to hire more people – they don’t last asks HUM about an evaluation and raise No response. Indifference and avoidance from HUM in person. TIMESKIP: Asking for a raise Shippuden asks HUM again after no new employees and more work HUM agrees to meet if we are both in the office on the same day. asks HUM if he has time to meet on the big day He gives an unclear time frame. asks if he knows what time specifically he will…


Only in an “all for profit” society would we waste the brilliant talents of highly skilled engineers and technologists on making new iPhones every year instead of creating ways to automate all of our societal necessities, which would create more free time for everyone.


Starbucks corporate is leaving mobile orders on when workers are on strike…


I like this meme format


I work 9-5 in an office and sitting on that thing 8h a day. My Boss likes them because they “fit the optic” of the office space

For those asking: yes we may use sitting pads on these, but it doesn't change much. This is physical assault imo.