
Webcam monitoring?

Webcam monitoring employees is illegal and may even be a human rights violation according to Dutch court! More at


My Gas Companies equivalent to “be here 15 minutes before your shift”

Excerpt from what they are calling my “Deposit Warning” Letter ” Please pay your bills on or before each due date. If you continue to pay after the due date, a Security Deposit will be charged to your account. The amount will be 2 times your average monthly bill. The security deposit charge may appear on a future bill without further warning. ” Thanks UGI, things have been tough lately, I greatly appreciate the reminder and veiled threat to make things worse for me even though I am current on my bill. Oh and right before winter when my bills will increase 500% for heating.


Coordinate CEO birthday luncheon every 2 months


9 to 5 Office Job Asked for Full Weekend of Work on Friday at Noon!!??

For context, I work a 9 to 5 job that supports a 24/7 highly regulated manufacturing environment. I have some cases where I'm asked to work weekends (in advance) and a month at a time where I'm on-call (aka reachable for the whole month). I'm salaried and there are no policies for anyone salaried to get paid any extra or recieve any comp time when working over 40 hours (my manager is cool and will let you take “time off” without using PTO if you work a weekend though). My company is STRUGGLING because we're starting a whole new facility and it is NOT going well (imo due to mismanagement from higher-ups). With all this struggle they've asked us to get some stuff done REALLY fast for the past 2 weeks during a manufacturing pause. At THE END of this 2 week rush at NOON on a FRIDAY they informed…


McDonald’s manager calls out people who refuse to use food kiosks, says technology won’t replace workers Whatever happened to “The customer is always right”? /s


How the Meat Industry Turned Abuse into a Business Model


Clock in times

Computer takes 10 minutes to boot up every morning. Taking nearly an hour of my pay every week. Asked manager if there was a faster way to get on the clock and he argued that work doesn’t start until my computer is on and running. Most of my job is physical but I do use my computer to print off spread sheets/clock in/send emails etc. Also said we needed to “part ways” when arguing about it because he mentioned that he gets there early before anyone and I told him that’s because he was salary. Am I an asshole or is my boss just inconsiderate?


Weird how wage theft wasn’t mentioned once. I included the link below


Things I hear at work.

I overheard how my coworker’s health has been deteriorating since starting (we work at a call center. Her mental health has her considering increasing meds (like me) she has developed acid reflux for the first time in years. She gets nervous before coming in to work. An other asks to use the restroom and I have to tell them not to ask and just not sign out. I guess that was skipped over in their orientation. Everyone’s restroom breaks count against them. Which is stupid. I’m not going to rush into a prolapse for a No name call center working for a terrible bank. They tried to do this gotcha moment when they had my listen to my entire call while saying “wait till the end” to show the call was dropped and I hung up with out checking if the customer is there. It’s like “hey grow a spine…


Former equal becomes your boss and is now annoying

You guys ever have a situation where your coworker that was your equal gets a promotion to being your supervisor? That happened to me recently, as my old boss moved up the ladder at the company. I really liked the guy before his promotion but the problem is that now he's doing a lot of the stuff that he used to complain about the old boss doing. He's micromanaging with unnecessary task sheets to log the daily workflow and always checking in on me to see what's going on/questioning my answers to what work I'm doing for the day. I do sympathize for him being put into a position of higher responsibility since I'm sure upper management had a long talk with him about new expectations but it's not to the point where he has to be so hypocritical and be the very thing he hated about the last supervisor.…