
Can one cashier really tank the entire US economy? Yes, Dylan can!


The king giving a peasant a coin


reading glassdoor reviews for a local company with a ton of very weird sounding, really good reviews. I was confused until I read this in one of the few negative reviews


Salaried Individuals Pay Attention to This!!!

Posting this for anyone who was not aware so they can use it in the future. Under Federal Law via the FLSA (Fair Labor and Standards Act), salaried employees are owed their full salary for any week in which they perform work, and it cannot be deducted on the basis of reduced work quality or quantity. What this means, is that if you quit or get fired in the middle of the pay period, YOU ARE ENTITLED TO YOUR FULL PAY FOR THAT WEEK. To use this to your advantage, any time you are going to quit, always do it at the end of the first day of the week. This way you get paid for the whole week, but only worked for one day. If on a two week pay period schedule, always quit at the end of the first day of the second week of the pay period,…


12 hours 6 days a week with only enough time to drink yourself to sleep, or 8 hours 4 days a week with the anxiety that you might need to return some ramen at checkout?


I mean… the math checks out


[RANT] Ugh. This is INSANITY

I know the pay discrepancy is huge in todays Capitalistic society but this stat is mind boggling. I currently make $10/hr as a part timer. I just looked up what the CEO of the company I work for makes. He makes $10.9 MILLION meaning the pay discrepancy between him and me is almost 1.1 MILLION X I did check to see what the average salary is for the company and it’s around $47,000 making the discrepancy around 312x. Anyone know if those average salary stats posted online include the wages of part timers or does it focus solely on those who are full time?


Please stop trying to scam the Walmart cashiers

I'm sick of it. I live in small town with little to no job opportunities. It took me 3 years to get a Walmart cashier job. You're not “sticking it to the man” or “scamming big companies”; you're only getting cashiers fired. I've only been working here for 12 days, and I have been scammed and attempted to be scammed. I've had people try to Quick Change me. It's when people will start taking items out of the scanned bags, get angry, and say that you did it wrong and they want to rearrange it. Then they start asking for things unscanned off the belt to put in the bags (ex. “This has vegetables in it. Hand me that lettuce over there so I can put it in). After they get free stuff, they try to confuse you even more by talking nonsense, and if there's more than one of…


I really hate getting these automated e-cards from my supervisors every year. Nothing genuine.


Anxious mess over the dumbest shit

Having workplace anxiety is absurd because I could have the smallest task like updating zoom meeting invitation with an agenda and that gives me a stomachache. I’m in my 30s and I’m a (relatively) competent, confident person but that all falls apart with dumb shit like making a document or sending an email TLDR – I am like Jerry/Gary/Terry from parks and rec except that people like me