
To Whom/What agency would I report an employer that doesn’t offer health insurance to full time employees?

Asking for a friend… who works with me…


“Wage theft is egregious and illegal” — Federal court orders 3 bakeries in Danbury, Connecticut, and Mount Vernon, New York, and their owner/officer to pay $952,433 to 74 employees who worked more than 40 hours per week, but were paid straight time instead of time-and-a-half their regular pay rates.


no show boss man didn’t show up


This had to be satire by this point…


If your boss is doing something illegal, do not expose yourself to danger: Brief Strategic Guidelines

Time and time again I see scenarios where people get into shouting matches arguing about safety violations, breaking of labor laws, or outright abuse and harassment. You may feel rightfully angry already, but realize that anger is a reconnaissance tool for YOUR benefit that informs you of unfairness. Others knowing you feel angry puts you at a disadvantage and makes them defensive. You need their gates down and their walls unmanned. Bosses and managers have leverage over you that puts them at a stark tactical advantage at all times. Engaging them in open confrontation is among the weakest positions you can find yourself in. Do not “engage”. At the first sign of resistance, back off. It should never be allowed to get to the point of an open confrontation. There is a technique for dealing with difficult, abusive, irrational, aggressive people. Referred to sometimes as the “Five Step Hardstyle” in…


The concept of money and technology is strange indeed.

What was learned from an initiative, or how would success be measured? How can people discern what the outcomes would be like? We might need some new economic systems altogether. Perhaps the future is project-based, and perhaps it will focus more on research and discovery.


Last day at work today. My boss didn’t even say bye

Had my last day at work today. Only 1 person from my team wrote in my virtual card (a colleague organised a virtual card – I think they felt sorry for me because of how ive been treated). I resigned because I was being singled out and bullied. My boss didn't organise anything for me. I've watched many people move on from the company and they all had paid lunches and gifts. I organised my own lunch and paid for my own lunch. It's such a weird experience to leave a job and to not even hear from the team I worked with. Not a word. Not a “good luck” NOTHING. My boss didn't even do a handover. I worked as a project officer for a not for profit in health. This whole experience feels so surreal. Anyway, just wanted to share.


FINALLY left my job!

I was miserable, not motivated and hated the thought of waking up and working for them. Now what am I doing? Started my own little company to see how it goes and work for myself. Honestly, if you ain't happy.. please leave your job. They are not worth it, expecially if you have Mental Health. You are just a number to them, you'll be replaced next week.


This sign has been up for months..


My manager posted this to our team after refusing to give me a pay rise this year (UK)