
Film about our modern world from the perspective of people living in the bright future. Enjoy and think for yourself, think now.


Attended a conference asked not to charge company for time on weekends

Recently my company sent me to a different city to attend a conference for a 6-day trip, which also included two days on the weekend. I was asked by my manager to participate in 16-hour “volunteer” meetings by the conference organizers during the weekend, and do not charge the company because “we are paying for your accommodation and sending you to the conference.” He seems to think that on my weekends I have nothing better to do on my personal time then to “volunteer” on behalf of the company and do not charge time to the company.


Vintage newspaper found under floorboards, Employee spikes boss with LSD


World Mental Health Day gifts from management. The number of NHS staff seeking help for suicidal thoughts has doubled this year.


you guys know what’s up, is $16/hr even good?

it’s like with the joe biden fuck you money over covid and all this inflation (we are indeed going thru an odd recession rn) is $16/hr the new $7.25? I see all these companies hiring for this pay but how can any of them afford it if they all have anti-work scumbags just racking up the company bill (no hate)


just found out I’m not only paid less than everyone but I’m being trash talked behind my back

Just as the title says. Ive given so much of my time to this place. My mental health has suffered greatly. My body is sore and I'm so tired. I've been there for 2 years. I know everything. I train. I'm a LEAD. Yet I'm paid the least and not only that but my boss talks shit about me behind my back to NEW HIRES BEFORE I HAVE EVEN MET THEM. Why am I still here? Why am I sacrificing my body to you???? You made believe you were different and yet here I am feeling like shit. You should be the one feeling like shit. I ask for a vacation and you tell me I won't have a job afterwards???? I'm paid the LEAST??!! fuck you. No job is worth your mental state or your body. And i want you to know that everyone else knows now. Everyone knows…


Quitting my job at Crumbl

I'm quitting my job at Crumbl bc it's 1. shit pay (why am I making $13 an hour when I've worked fast food for a year and half and others with no experience are making more?) I tried talking to the managers about it when I found out but they basically said there was nothing they could do. 2. It's a toxic workplace environment bc my general manager is extremely critical and the new manager we hired just sits on her ass all day and is a shit-talker (he also tends to fire people based on rumors) 3. I got a better offer from target. I understand we are a food business so we must act professionally but my manager acts like we are a fine dining establishment. Every cookie must come out absolutely perfect to the smallest detail otherwise corporate will come in the store and watch us. It…


not being paid what promised

I got another job offer at a certain pay. I told my current job i'd stay if they offered me better. they did. my boss called and said here is the offer. i said ok i'll stay. i never recieved anything about the new pay. the HR knows and has been trying to get 'compensation' to update on my pay increase. i would have left for another job, but now i burned that bridge and its been two months and still no pay increase and no one can figure out whats taking so long. So now i'm sitting here wondering where my new pay is and how if they dont give it to me i screwed myself by turning down the other job. I live in NC, our labor laws suck. I work for HCA. i asked my boss to send me proof of the offer yet he hasnt. i…


Gotta believe in ping pong supremacy


Applied to 70+ jobs over a two week time period. These are the results.