
Restaurant falling apart

I work at a restaurant that receives most traffic during the Fall and Winter months due to our close proximity to a popular farm to fork area and Christmas tree farms. I get paid $15/hr as a busser/hostess. Fine, whatever. I learned very quickly that I was given more job duties than I could handle. From running the front (checking customers out, seating) to bussing (clearing, wiping, setting) and to taking drink orders when needed and running sides of salad, dressing, and sometimes food. The manager who is normally there whom everyone loves because he treats everyone with respect is now leaving due to the newish owner basically not giving a single shit about the restaurant. I am the type of person that when it is super busy at the end of my shift, I stay, because there is NO ONE ELSE, to help the serving girls out. The owner…


Beautiful sight to behold


My manager demands that I leave the shelter during a large-scale air strike and come to the office, which stands opposite the military headquarters, while all the officials tell everyone to stay in the shelters

I scared af to leave my shelter – rockets (more then 75) targeted mostly civilian infrastructure, so it's large scale terrorist act. Despite this my manager blames me that I disrupted all plans by not coming to the office.


What can my manager track about my working day from home?

Hi guys, I am working from home and I ve been working from home even before Covid started and I just wonder, what can my manager track about me working from home? Idk number of clicks per days? Number of sent emails? Calls via MS Teams? Maybe I am paranoid, thanks


I keep reading about people fighting for their jobs/better perks…

…but when someone treats you that badly, even if you “win”, hasn't your morale dropped to lower levels than before? If possible, and I know it isn't always, is it not better to look for a new job?


Did I make the right decision when I quit my job?

So at the beginning of this year I started working at this bakery that sells cinnamon rolls and other baked goods. Around summer time the owners decided they wanted to retire and handed the business over to someone else. It was a small business with only 5 workers but the previous owners always came in and helped out, so I was skeptical about his new guy when it came to helping out around the store. Well my skepticism was correct, not even a month goes by before things start going downhill. Tells me to call him when I need help but doesn’t actually come to help when it’s needed. Only schedules 2 people, including myself, on weekends when it’s our busiest days during the week. Didn’t stock things correctly so we had shortages of things. Left minors in the store by themselves during closing. Just a bunch of problems and…


Fired over a panic attack at work

This happened a while ago, several months. I finally got my first job just months after I turned old enough to work. I was so excited to finally make my own money. About two weeks in, I was having a bad day and went to the back and cried. My coworkers called the manager, and said I could go home. The next day, I showed up with my doctor's note (I had to go to the hospital) and she just fired me because I wouldn't be at my shift later that day. And that was legal because I was on “probation” (90 day period where you can be fired for basically any reason. all new employees were on probation their first 90 days.). It fucking hate I got fired because of one bad day. My brother (very capitalist) was like “they don't want someone that has to leave in the…


Teaching should be a relationship, not a job.

In our modern society, the role of a teacher is a job, that is, something done for money. It needs specialized training and a lot of compensation. A lot of the teachers hate interacting with the students. They think the students show no respect to them. Often true, but they really don't understand why. Prior to the invention of schools as we know them, there was no profession of “teacher”. Instead, children were taught things by adults they knew personally. They were directly immersed in the environment where adults worked. Adults did not just teach them facts – they taught them how to socialize. In such an environment, children are always expected to take part in the social lives of adults and learn their cultural behaviour from them. Nowadays, however, children spend extended amounts of time separated from their parents (and other relatives) and are under the authority of adults…


I can’t stop ranting about my job! My quality of life actually got worse because of it! I just want to scream! I hate delivering to Karens and I have lifting heavy packages for hours! I never wanted this! Please! Take me somewhere else!

This fucking hospital job!!!! I can't!!! It just gets worse and worse!!!!! Why can't I get something else. I didn't even chose this job on my own. Family pressured me. The job itself is just downright miserable. I have to move packages to a warehouse to different rooms. Saying I don't like it is lying as I loath it. It's exhausting, frustrating, annoying, the building is bleak and depressing. It sucks. I'm tired of carrying heavy packages for hours! Oh but that's not the worst! Oh no! I have to deliver to a total asshole. Multiple times a day! This jerk pretty much hates me. She also has a negative reputation in the building. Not saying names due to privacy, but this person really makes me mad! I hate it so much! This jerk rolls her eyes at me. Says harsh stuff all because I'm doing my job. One time…


A coworker quit in the middle of his shift and I couldn’t be prouder.

Today, a couple hours into my shift, a coworker turns to me and says, “Check this out, I’m about to quit.” He says into the walkie, “Hey MODs, this is [name], I’m going on my first 15 [minute break].” He then says to the room, “It’s been great working with you!” and he walked out of that place. It took management a few hours to realize what had happened. We had plenty of staff, so the business barely felt it, but some management is butt-hurt. All he did was treat the company with the same respect they’ve shown us. I’ll probably never see him again, but if you’re on here dude, I’m proud of you. I know you’re on to bigger and better things.