
Best line in resignation letter to invoice for consulting work, etc

Resigning soon, I'd like to include a line that basically says I will invoice you after my last day if you contact me with issues. I'd prefer not to encourage said contact and don't necessarily want to negotiate some consulting rate with the old company. I also don't 'expect' to get paid from said invoice but just want something to point to to troll. I've seen some gem lines here in the past but can't seem to find any via search and can't remember any. Cheers!


Struggling to hit send on resignation email.

I don't know why. I've been there for less than 2 years. My boss is toxic, always yelling at me, ignoring me, super passive aggressive. He takes any chance he gets to insinuate that I'm stupid. It's taken me until now to stop justifying his behavior because he let me off work a lot for medical reasons, I had to tell myself that that's what he's supposed to do. But my biggest problem is leaving my coworker. She's become such a good friend of mine and has been there for me through so much. I just feel like a dick because they will check their email in the morning and it'll be a slap in the face. But I just can't take it anymore. I'm tired of leaving work crying, walking on eggshells, and barely able to get out of bed in the morning because of the anxiety. I don't…


Hey my brother was fired after having a seizure at work (cashier at bp gas station) is he protected under the ada?


Rail Yard Ghosts- Fear Not


Vote in November!

After reading many of the posts I see how many are frustrated with wages, poor benefits and corporate greed. The best thing to do is vote. And vote Democratic. Republicans favor the rich and big business. This November get your vote in. While venting is understandable, action is the best remedy.


What is your plan?

I didn’t go to collage, I’m not particularly smart, I’m not from money nor do I look particularly good. But my wife and I did hustle and paid off our home and live debt free- the biggest benefit has been having the ability to walk away from shit jobs. What are your plans to get out from under the thumb of the man?


Attempted wage theft! Got laid off, and had to remind HR/Accounting of my ‘severance’. So sketchy!

This time last year (around Canadian Thanksgiving of 2021), I started a job in my home city, here in Canada. Let's call this company: Company C (for Canada). This job, I was told flat out, will only be temporary because the whole department was(actually, two departments were) moving elsewhere . Where at most it'll only last into January. Maybe six months. I said, sure no problem. Anything to get me through the winter. I took it on because I had been having a hell of a time during the pandemic. Rewind to 2019, a world before COVID, which saw me moving overseas for what was pretty close to my dream job. Let's call this job **Foreign Job**. It involved travel and adventure. But then the pandemic hit in 2020 and all travel ground to a halt. So did my job. I was in a place where I genuinely thought that…


Am I the only one that feels like I’m in a good position? (Mini story/rant)

I want to start off by saying I've had some horrid management experience at my old jobs (promises broken, constant belittling, over worked/constant call ins when I had a family emergency, my job being threatened, etc. (not as bad as some of you)) It's been a journey to say the least. I've had severe depression to the point I couldn't work for 3 months (meds, girlfriend (now wife) helped a lot), had massive ups and downs at jobs. I worked for 5 years at the local zoo (you got a raise of $0.25 per year you returned), then it got bought out… I lost 5 years of raises (doesn't sound like much but to a 14-year-old kid it was for me), got into Best Buy… my god never work there… then a horribly ran locally owned business, was begged to come in/forced to several times, got verbally abused by management.…


I don’t want to go….

Would you say that it's normal to feel anxious and stressed out by the prospect of going into work? Ever since I started this new job (which I was excited to start) and my coworkers are absolutely negative, bitchy, rude, arrogant, and just overall toxic. I had high hopes of learning from these people but getting to know them has been horribly disappointing at best. I don't expect people to be happy or positive all the time but when someone new starts, shouldn't you try to be friendly? One of the women is retiring in a few months and I honestly wish it were sooner. I don't feel like I'm being setup for success there and I'm not getting the training I need. I just want some input on all this. Thanks


wanna work weekends AND holidays for chump change? this is the job for you!