I received my yearly evaluation and my supervisor gave me a low evaluation because she felt that I was not “sitting up straight,” which therefore, according to her, is unprofessional appearance. She also gave me low evaluation because I had a personal item on the desk which was a deodorant. My team members have much more personal items on their desks and visible PHI. But she never mentioned anything to them. Can a supervisor tell you how to sit at work? My industry is human services.
Month: February 2023
Each check I have been paid it says I have been getting 4-5 hours of over time over each two week period. I work standard 40 hour week with two paid 15 minute breaks and unpaid 30 minute lunch everyday. I clock in and out on my work computer for lunch but understood I didn't have to for 15 minute breaks because they are paid for. There is an option to clock in and out for the 15s but I just haven't and I think that is where the overtime is coming from. Welp… hope they don't find out.
I get paid $13/hr lmao
They fired a man who lived in his car for stealing electricity when he charged his phone at work. A PHONE HE NEEDED SO WORK COULD CALL HIM IN! He was kept on call because this was cheaper for them, he lost wages from not working much so he lost his room he was renting. That didn't stop him, he kept his stuff in storage and slept in his car. Two weeks ago someone stole his bike from the roof of his car he lives in. It's shit like this, I don't fucking understand he worked in a casino a business that preys on sick people, fired someone for using 0.019 kWh, it costs them fucking nothing! When does fucking greed stop? The only thing that has changed is they don't calls us peasants to our fucking faces. I live in a state where a person ran for governor because…
I’ve had a lot of jobs. Like, a lot a lot but have been at my job around 9 months now. This is a “build to rent” company that essentially builds homes, sells them to investors, and then continues to profit off of them by managing the rentals. They operate in incredibly oversaturated markets and we have been looking at homes sitting vacant for 4+ months while the investors foot the bill, pay their mortgage they were promised renters would be covering, and the company continues to profit off of both the investors and prospective tenants paying application fees on homes we have no intention of actually renting to them. The majority of investors are first time investors who were susceptible to this “get rich quick” scheme. It is all-around SLIMY. Things started off okay. Then my now-boss who barely graduated high school was promoted to “Marketing Manager” after being…
When they send messages from the inside…
I think it's so wrong for people to think that those who work jobs like Mc Donald's, Walmart, etc. shouldn't deserve a place to live. Or that people have that mindset where those jobs should only be temporary and not sustainable long term. Do you want good service? Do you want food that is cooked well? Do you want workers to actually be happy and not struggle? Do you want the employee to actually look in the back for an item for you because they can give a shit since they are able to live on their own or with a roommate/partner? Why is it so wrong for people working retail or the “low end” jobs if they end up staying there for a long period of time. When I used to work at the grocery store when I was younger I was amazed of how many workers stayed there…