Month: March 2023
It’s much worse
What SVB really said about remote work
Don't swallow the clickbait. SVB'S annual report to the SEC included the legally required section on Risk Factors: 20 pages on many, many things that could affect their financial situation. One short paragraph addressed hypothetical problems with remote work. From “Currently, our employees work remotely most of the time. Our long-term plan is to maintain a flexible working arrangement where employees will go to an office on a frequency based on an employee's role and function. Although our work-from-home plan has been effective thus far, we may experience negative effects of a prolonged work-from-home arrangement, such as increasing risks of systems access or connectivity issues, cybersecurity or information security breaches, difficulties integrating new employees, reduced team collaboration, or imbalances between work and home life, which may lead to reduced productivity and/or significant disruptions in our business operations.”
Every time I see a TOS, I wonder why we don't have a TOC(terms of consumption). Why don't we have union sites where people can work together to tell major corporations what we are willing to pay for and what kind of products or services we want or we'll stop doing business with them?