
Rant About Toxic Teacher Work Culture

One of my coworkers said something ridiculous the other day. Someone I know is applying for a job at my school – my coworker asked if they were interested in coaching anything (he also works in the athletic department) and when I said “no” he said “that's not good enough, if you want to work in a high school you can't just do 1 thing, we have a lot else that goes on.” This was like a personal attack (hopefully unintentional) because he knows I'm someone who does my work and then goes home at the end of my contracted hours most days. I only participate in things after hours that sound fun rather than just more work. Credit to my coworkers who help out with sports or performing arts or whatever, but these people don't have any lives during the week. They work 11+ hour days (8 for the…


Rant About Toxic Teacher Work Culture

One of my coworkers said something ridiculous the other day. Someone I know is applying for a job at my school – my coworker asked if they were interested in coaching anything (he also works in the athletic department) and when I said “no” he said “that's not good enough, if you want to work in a high school you can't just do 1 thing, we have a lot else that goes on.” This was like a personal attack (hopefully unintentional) because he knows I'm someone who does my work and then goes home at the end of my contracted hours most days. I only participate in things after hours that sound fun rather than just more work. Credit to my coworkers who help out with sports or performing arts or whatever, but these people don't have any lives during the week. They work 11+ hour days (8 for the…


Rant About Toxic Teacher Work Culture

One of my coworkers said something ridiculous the other day. Someone I know is applying for a job at my school – my coworker asked if they were interested in coaching anything (he also works in the athletic department) and when I said “no” he said “that's not good enough, if you want to work in a high school you can't just do 1 thing, we have a lot else that goes on.” This was like a personal attack (hopefully unintentional) because he knows I'm someone who does my work and then goes home at the end of my contracted hours most days. I only participate in things after hours that sound fun rather than just more work. Credit to my coworkers who help out with sports or performing arts or whatever, but these people don't have any lives during the week. They work 11+ hour days (8 for the…


I’m taking notes


Nice ways to persuade you (force you) to go back to the office.


Thank you and farewell response

Background: I have worked for this company for over 6 years. Have been a top performer who has recruited quality employees, created multiple patents and publications, ran research teams, and transitioned internal projects to large external sponsors. The person who replied is my old boss at the same company that I… used to think fondly of. How would you respond to this? What would you do? My Email Title: Thank You to My [company] Mentors Hello there, The five of you have had a tremendous impact over the course of my career at [company]. I wanted to express my gratitude for all that you have done for my career and growth. All of you helped support my [continuing education degree], innovate new ideas, and helped gain leadership skills. I view you all as mentors and have learned a lot from you. It is bittersweet leaving [company], and I will miss…


Dan Reeder – Work Song


Goal hit! 1M net worth at 30!


Dan Reeder – Work Song


Dan Reeder – Work Song