
We shouldnt be anti work

we should be anti capitalism. its simple.


King Poopers

Hope this fits the vibe of this sub!


Has anyone had to deal with a jealous boss/manager?

This past year I have gotten several licenses and on Friday I started an apprenticeship that my company is paying for. But the charge from my mentor is coming straight from my boss’s budget. Since he received the bill, he hasn’t said one word to me. He shrugs me off when I ask him something or gives one word replies. One of my clients went in another direction, and he didn’t relay anything to me. Anytime I succeed he is fake happy for me, is the best I can describe it. Even on Friday when my mentor, a man with 60+ in the business and extremely respected, asked him when he was going to start his own location or do an apprenticeship and his response was how I needed to be more up to speed….. I know this location inside and out, and even though he has more years on…


Cat’s out of the bag now


America erasing May Day is one of the corporatists greatest achievements. It needs to be reinstated, now more than ever!,Day's%20association%20with%20labor%20movements.


I Sing In A Church Twice A Month

Hi, I have never posted here before but I've been checking out posts here for quite a while. As the title states, I get paid to sing in a church twice a month. I have not been cashing my checks because every sermon I have heard has shamed people in attendance for not giving/donating enough. I have felt very guilty about making money at a church that essentially begs for money under their roof. The result of this has been me essentially shredding my checks. There are several paid choir members in addition to myself but this last Sunday I was the only paid choir member to not receive a check. I have not been cashing my checks but I have been experiencing more costs than usual and could really use the money now. When I asked the music director why this is they told me that I was previously…


Can we change anything?

Hey all. I constantly ask myself this question, but I need more opinions: how can we effect change? It’s possible, right? Is our best plan to alter our consumption habits? Live as cooperatively with other poor and middle class people as possible? Sharing our own homes (those of us that are homeowners) with others until they can afford to purchase property, and develop a financial cushion? There has to be something that we can do.


Wow, a pin for working minimum wage and no commission. How about a raise?

I work in retail and corporate likes to send these kinds of messages out to try to encourage us to make them more money. All so we can continue to make minimum wage with no commission or raises except if you become a manager (aka giving up your personal life to work here). I’ve been searching for a higher paying part time job but so far not much luck in my area. These patronizing messages piss me off


Two weeks severance after 21 years

My dad was let go from his job today after 21 years with the company. He was given 2 weeks severance. Management made him the scapegoat for a failed project with poor decisions – decisions he strictly advised them against. He was a few years away from retiring. Now he has to find another job in a niche field. He was loyal to them for so long – he commuted over an hour to and from work and didn't even enjoy his job most of the time – but he stuck with them. But the moment management needed someone to blame for their own stupidity they went after him without second thought. And I just see the 2 weeks severance as a middle finger on the way out. Always look out for yourself at work. So many companies are run by terrible people just wanting to make money. They have…


‘Dumb and dangerous’: US sees surge in efforts to weaken child labor regulations | Child labour