Month: July 2023
I’ve had enough. I’ve worked at my current job for a year now. That entire time there has been a hiring pause for whatever reason corporate came up with, it’s irrelevant to me. Essentially we gave been understaffed, going with the bare minimum, leaving 3 hours after our shifts were scheduled, etc. I’ve put up with so much of this just so I could have security and money. I don’t know if I can anymore. I just got back from a week long vacation and came back to instant burn out. There are no plans to help us still, and there is no hope. My mental health has declined drastically, I became an alcoholic for several months, and sobering up only made me realize how miserable I am even more. The problem with leaving is the security. I don’t know if I can find another job where I live that’s…
I’ve got the flu (this isn’t a cold, and tested negative for covid). I’m going to feel like crud for a week. If I tried staying home sick for that I’d obviously be canned, despite having more than twice that amount of PTO. It’s not like I can afford going anywhere on my PTO anyway. Staying home when sick would be the very best use for my PTO, but that’s just not an option. This feels like the pizza party of sick policies. It’s also been the same overall policy for every job I’ve ever worked.
Help me start over
I'm turning 30 soon and got out of the military 2 years ago after doing a fun job that had absolutely no civilian counterpart. I've worked shit jobs for shitty money while being treated like shit since. I can see this being the rest of my life If I don't do something now. I have the GI bill and a decent amount of savings that will cover my food and some of my rent for the next couple years if I work a part time job or go into a little debt towards the end. Can someone give me a career path to making close to 6 figures if im willing to go back to school and get a degree? I have absolutely no idea what I want to do and any suggestions would be helpful. I dont even know what jobs make six figures except for FAANG jobs or…
Why make working a thing where you have to struggle through the pain? I've always wanted something more calm, and that I'm actually passionate about. I think workers could be more productive if there was more upward mobility in the job market
Two surprise HR meetings
This is my first time posting here but I’m hoping to get some advice or thoughts on whether this is normal. I’ve been with my company for just under two years and it’s a fully remote role with a nonprofit. The job is very straightforward and I generally find it fine but in March of this year, closer to April, our company hired a new manager for our team. Since this manager has joined, I’ve been feeling a bit under the microscope because she’s consistently checking timestamps on my Teams messages and cross referencing emails that I send to confirm their content and timestamps. Overall, she has made me feel like I’m doing my job poorly because she examines these details and will reach out to HR to notify them of any errors prior to speaking with me. For context I have a colleague who is my counterpart and she…
It's not ok. Than people wonder why they have severe mental ilness. I honestly do believe being forced is an unnatural thing and most probably cause sickness as well. We cannot work against the universe. The universe is flow.
Lurker for a while. I'm paid reasonably but I admit I'm only at any job for the money (I've lost all passions). I spend more time stated outside the contracted hours when circumstances call for it or help a colleague who's overwhelmed but that's the most I would do. All my colleagues tend to pander to the boss' whims and fancy (even in previous jobs and even if it does not make sense). It makes me feel like an alien. The funny thing is that would all just pander to what the boss wants but when it comes to helping another colleague in need, they would not, which makes me question their humanity as well. I just personally feel like work is just work (not as if I'm saving lives) and there's no need to give it my all. And it's just strange that others around me (such as family…