
Work-related anxiety and panic attack

I was diagnosed with GAD in 2016. I had to leave for a year just to recover. I took meds and I was somewhat ok with occassional panic attacks. Fast forward 2021, I resigned for my 12-year job as an English teacher after getting married. Currently living with my wife's family and I have never been so much stressed in my life. Just by living here gives me a lot of stress. Anyway, since 2021, I had 5 jobs in total and my current one is the sixth. 4 of those are face-to-face and those only laster for 2-3 months due to anxiety attacks. I am now convinced that my anxiety atracks since 2022 are work related. It's just been a month and a half now on my new teaching job and I wanted out. I am having anxiety attacks again and I am so stressed. I don't even want…


It drives me nuts in movies/TV when a character is “lost” after not having a job for a week or two

I feel like this is might not be directly applicable to this sub, but hopefully it’s related enough. I love sitcoms, but this seems to be a common thing that happens on most of them. An episode will usually be centered around one of the main characters getting fired/laid off, with a very short amount of time passing before they go “crazy” or get super depressed because they’re not working. Now, I can understand being upset after getting fired – that’s fine. I could even understand being depressed if it’s a job that they’re passionate about and they’d been out of work for months, not weeks (the show that triggered this post is New Girl, and if you haven’t seen it, Zooey Deschanel’s character is a teacher. I could see really wanting to be teaching kids). But in almost every episode that it happens, only a few days pass and…


I’m not working here for your viewing pleasure. Stop trying to hit on coworkers you barely know.

I'm 20. I'm a new hire intern working for a law firm and I occasionally cover the front desk downstairs when the receptionist takes her lunch. Plenty of people (typically men) linger to make small talk. No problem, I like talking to people and it's a nice break from my work. However, there's this one older man in his 30s who has been talking to the receptionist about me, and now she's trying to set us up together despite the fact that I've shown no interest in him. It would be different if this guy took the time to talk to me, we got along, etc. But he's acting like a child by not approaching me and having the receptionist talk to me for him. It's weird and uncomfortable, but I don't feel like I can say anything because apparently this receptionist is known to be a little volatile, so…


Labor Department says number of children it found working illegally is up 44%


What should you put for an expected hourly rate on a job application?

I assume that if I put one that will actually give me enough to put a small amount into savings every month, they’ll pass up my application. My family always told me to put negotiable, is that standard, or do I put a dollar amount?


Lessons From Rank & File Of UC UAW 2022 Strike

Really comprehensive panel by some of my friends and comrades!


I cry ~3 days a week before and sometimes after logging on/ off work. what should i do ?

Question: i was working in tech consulting prior for 5.5 months (straight outta of undergrad) until our big tech clients started laying off then our business branch was so also layed off. (i was then unemployed and enjoying life again – like even my neighbors were like oh ur smiling again yay!). i started volunteering for the place i’m at now just cus my mom kinda pushed me do something other then be in happy lala land. they then offered me a job because they liked my work & experience (me not wanting a job but wanting more money to travel + move out my moms said yes) i’ve been at my current job since May of this year…. from the jumó i didn’t like it. i have no relocated to a city i love but my new boss here is a jerk. should i start applying to other places…


How to quit……

I just started a new job 3 weeks ago. I’ve realised pretty quickly it isn’t a good fit for me. I’ve been looking into other opportunities. What is the best way to quit? I took over from one of two full time employees. It’s a teaching job in a language centre, so there are some responsibilities in terms of having students every day. My probation is until mid Oct, and my contract says I just need to give one week notice. I do want to give them some extra time to find someone else, and I can probably hold on for a few more weeks. But how I can give notice in a nice, respectful way? I don’t want to put them in a bad position, but my quality of life has diminished severely because of this job, and it’s not sustainable for me. I’m not in US.


I can be on my phone… but I can’t study for my Certification Exam?

Hi all, TLDR at bottom. I work on a sales floor, as the summer is ending our tour flow has gone down significantly. It's a given rule since day one that aslong as we are not on tour, it's fair game in the back. Play on your phone, read, go on the computer. Anything that is not disruptive to the overall sales floor is perfectly acceptable. Most days when we're slow, everyone is just in the back office shooting the shit or scrolling tiktok. However, that's where we get to this morning. I'm beginning to get fed up with the business I'm in, I like the people I work with and the money I can make however management and the overall corporation I work for has left such a bad taste in my mouth, and with my small family growing I'm wanting to explore my options. I'm preparing for the…


Deliberately understaffing jobs so you can pocket the money must not only be made illegal but have stiff penalties especially if it endangers the public and the employees.

For context here, 1 of my best friends works in the IT department at a major hospital and his department like every other one is way understaffed and overworked and has been for years; and it like everywhere else has gotten worse since covid. Most of the IT department went remote including himself and they just about made it work but once the push to be on site as it was called it was made very, very, clear by the very head of the IT department itself that they were going to need more people and that it all honesty the hospital needed to rehire a bunch of the IT folks that they let go during covid b/c training someone new was going to cost too money but more importantly too time that his department didn't have because they didn't the manpower or resources to do that on a large…