
what was your first day like?

surely you can’t beat mine! my first day at my first ever job was on a holiday weekend /s


Old company took my work and slapped someone else’s face on it

I (27M) worked as a consultant last year for a progressive firm. I was unceremoniously let go with no explanation after serving over 30 clients for them within a year and doing exactly what I was asked to. They’d asked me to put together a business plan for an in-house creative agency with who to hire, a website, branding etc. I was told the work I did was not good enough to share and that having me on the website would look bad. I got drinks with an old coworker last week and he’s working on the project now and they’re using my website as is, with the only difference being that they put someone who’s older, and a higher office. Nothing I can do about it at this point, but office politics really suck.


I think I am going to quit my job

I love the line of work I do, and for the past 18 months have loved the company as well. Unfortunately, there have been a lot of false promises made to me about promotions. There has been an extreme amount of call outs that management isn’t doing anything about and that I have to figure out. Recent our owner fired somebody, then texted me and said “well hopefully you can figure coverage out.” like excuse me?? That is absolutely not my job. There is 0 communication, and the owner likes to make rules up willy nilly whenever she’s in the mood to change something (i work a scheduling office job), and then get mad when no one knows what’s going on bc the rules are constantly changing. There have been multiple times where someone will contact us about a refund, we contact the owner and she just… doesn’t do anything…


27, Laid of my job of 8 years due to being sick for a few weeks

I was out for a month fine with Hr I tried to come back racist supervisor blocked me this my first time losing a job been trying for 5 months no luck


Retirement Confidence Among Americans Has Hit An All-Time Low – ProfessPost


Want to quit without notice

I have a better job lined up that starts 2 weeks from now. I want to quit without notice because I know my boss and coworkers are going to be rude Or even harass me if I put in any sort of advance notice for quitting. My issue is that I get my health insurance through work, my new job offers health insurance as well but only after 90 days. If I just up and leave will I face any repercussions on my health insurance or will it just be cancelled. I can live without health insurance for a few months, I can’t live with a big f u bill.


Really want this job…

I have been unemployed for a month due to my previous employer scaling back his business in preparation to retire. I had a quick phone call with one of the recruiters for the company, he asked why I was looking for a change and what my salary expectations were. I told him an dashed don't you have a budgeted amount for the role? He seems shocked and told me what it was. And it was about a grand more a year than I was expecting. I played it cool and said that was a drop in salary but since either a part remote role I can make it work. He tells me he will pass my cv to the hiring manager to read and if he was interested he'd contact. I've now got a face to face interview. What's your best tips for being successful at interview. It's for an…


I took back my acceptance of a job the day of starting

Hi everyone, It’s almost 7 am where I (23f) live and I’d thought I’d get on here and share this little story with you all anti-workers. I was hired on at a car company by another company. It was a six month contract job, I would’ve been an administrative assistant, full time. The job is an hour away from where I live, on a road that’s curvy and always having problems. Plus, my car is in decent shape, but I don’t feel like it will survive going an hour there and back everyday, especially when the winter time comes. So I called up the company that hired me and told them I can’t take the job. Would it be considered stupid of me? Probably, yes. Am I feeling much better because of it, also yes. There’s a world of possibilities out there and I feel like this was the best…


Finally found a decent job. Just got fired with no explanation.

My boss just fired me last night with no explanation or warning. Just told me not to come back. I was supposed to work tomorrow and now I don’t have a job and I don’t even know why. Just got told I “wasn’t a good fit” after four months working and now I don’t know how I’ll afford rent. This was a boss that I thought actually cared about his employees. Up until now I had been thinking I was so lucky to have finally found a job that treats me like a person. I love how the laws in the US make this completely legal. I guess even the “good” bosses really don’t give a shit about us, huh.


Labor Day should be Labor Week

And it should be 100% mandatory that everyone gets off the entire week. Wanna appreciate Labor? Let’s remind everyone of how much EVERYTHING but EVERYTHING relies on Labor by taking it away for a week. All contracts should be renegotiated at the end of Labor Week.