
Should i still work long hours now that I have gotten promoted and earn way more?

Context: I went into a tech startup straight out of college and worked my ass off spending above 12-15 hours a day at the office working until around 11 PM every night and really sacrificing my personal, social, mental, physical health. I always used to think negatively about the senior people in the office that I felt were not working as hard as me and contributing less than me, but earning over 10x the amount that I was. Fast forward to a few years later, after jumping jobs a few times, I am earning just as much as they are (i guess i am lucky to get accelerated pretty quickly) and still working hard but definitely not as much as i was before. My mindset has shifted to definitely have a healthier relationship with work but now i feel a bit guilty as if I am being a hypocrite to…


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Just got gired as store manager for Dollar tree how Fucked am I



I got fired for not being racist

I just received a termination letter. Due to me agreeing in conversation with my trainer that I have white privledge and that it veils me from many negatives of living in a city known to be extraordinarily bigoted, I'm fired immediately. In a conversation about how bad it can be to live in that city vs visit as a white tourist. *Edit- IN A CONVERSATION MY TRAINER STARTED ABOUT THE SUBJECT. I did not randomly start expressing my beliefs about white privledge to everyone lol. I don't even know what to say.


I just don’t think I’m actually capable of having a job

Hi r/antiwork currently on the edge of full tilt insanity so sorry if this isn't the cleanest read. That's mostly what this is about anyway. I've had a job for the past two years, and honestly what it is doesn't matter because I'm not sure any job wouldn't eventually do me in. I've been watching my mental health deteriorate the entire time I've been here. Every day I come in here and every tiny inconvenience chips away at me and I go home and rest and I just don't get better. It's really not so bad but even the little bad is starting to push me to run away from it all and hide and never let the world see me again. I've got multiple disorders that make life difficult and lately all the built up tension has pushed them to the limit. I have constant nightmares about being hunted…


Sunday scaries fuck a job

Sunday night is hell. Assume all As are circled. Fuck this system. Solidarity to all M-F drones and everyone else too who is getting fucked by the system. We are all people and we fucking hate this. If you aren't radical, start today. Never stop being radical.


Thinking about reporting to OSHA

Does anybody have advice or suggestions about reporting or what can be done? I am on the fence about things. I know temperature regulations are pretty much non-existent in the US, but I also know there are some exceptions that could constitute an OSHA violation. I work in a warehouse with no AC, and it regularly gets above 78° with humidity above 50%. There are some exceptions about working conditions indoors for strenuous labor, which the physical labor we do could be considered strenuous. The higher-ups recently removed the thermometers with the humidity readers, so I am going to buy my own and bring it to work so I can document. Last Thursday, I suffered from heat sickness. I was nauseous, lightheaded, dizzy, and disoriented. I wasn't the only one. It was 93° outside, and inside was almost 90° with humidity levels at almost 70%. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the…


Unpopular opinion about my PERSONAL job life

So, before you all crucify me, I will make the disclaimer that this pertains only to MY life, and it is due to my current living conditions, but i’m sure some folk would find this interesting. So, Personally. I would not mind working in an office, as i sure as fuck do NOT want to work from home in my current living conditions, those conditions being as follows. The Apartment I live in is too small to have a room to use as an office (only a single bedroom, a single bathroom, and a single kitchen, Absolutely ZERO other rooms). My grandmother who keeps wandering in and staring at me for absolutely zero reason every 5-30 minutes when i’m trying to focus on stuff, she also makes kissing noises at me, she hates when i’m on the phone for longer than ten minutes even though she likes to talk on…


Boss CCing HR on sick email

Sent an email tonight as I have been bed-ridden all day and know I will not be good for work tomorrow morning. Boss replies hours later with HR CCed saying tomorrow is a new day and they hope I can work tomorrow. Is this just the boss trying to threaten me to not use a sick day? For context I have used about 6 sick days this year due to having chronic intestinal issues that they fail to understand.


A battle for workers compensation

It’ll be a year soon since I’ve been injured. I never want to work for man again. That’s how I feel. My fall was painful enough and then I was toiled after and harassed. I didn’t receive the actual help I needed in the moment and they wouldn’t give me help. Paranoia follows me through this entire case. I guess I’m reaching out for support I’m anyone’s who’ve been injured at work, how they treated you after, and how you managed to get over the ptsd. Hopefully eight months after my injury isn’t too late for PT to fix me. Why do corporations use and abuse you while they sit back and relax