
Resume Gap


Skilled vs unskilled labor

Why do I keep seeing people who want to fight about what is or isn't skilled labor? If you have to learn something to do the job, it's a skill isn't it? Which would be every job ever correct? I get it is really hard to realize you've been drinking the koolaid the rich fed you starting as a child so that you would automatically find others to look down upon when you should be joining together. If you think a job is unskilled because you can “learn it in a few hours,” which is already bogus because you don't get good at anything that fast, but anyways, if that is your view, please tell me: where is the cutoff between skilled and unskilled? How many hours exactly does someone need to spend learning before it magically turns to “skilled?” Because the elite have a skill too. It's making the…


Woman cries and asks why women fought so hard to earn women the right to work in the first place. “Whoever fought to get women jobs…Why?”

Woman cries and asks why women fought so hard to earn women the right to work in the first place. “Whoever fought to get women jobs…Why?” This video has gone viral on TikTok with millions of views.— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 20, 2023


am i going against the SAG strike if i watch Barbenheimer this weekend?


Advice urgently needed

For the past 2years I have worked night audit at a hotel. The manager who hired me discussed my availability & it was made clear( by me) that I am ONLY available for night audit. He happily agreed to this. I was initially hired for fri, sat, sun audit shifts. Anyone who has ever worked in hospitality can attest that weekends are the least desirable shifts particularly in tourist season. I agreed to those days in the hope that one day I would be able to move up the ladder to weeknights. About a year into my job the other audit person suffered a major medical event & retired ( he's in his 70's) my mgr offered me the mon- fri audit & I happily accepted. Original mgr left & new mgr was appointed. 1st thing to happen was the new n.a person asked for an additional day so I…


Seriously? Fuck you.


15+ years of experience, but starting wages are still low

No matter the company, the title, or the requirements, I've yet to have a company offer me more than $18/hr. With all of the experience I have with customer service, tech support, smartphone repair, PC Repair, and cellular sales, I expect more. Why are companies only offering ONE starting wage for all employees instead of offering more for those that are guaranteed to outperform others? Does experience really not matter anymore? Someone with zero experience should never make as much as someone who could crush them performance-wise. I shouldn't have to prove this to a new job over the course of 12-18 months, I'd rather they see the experience itself as enough reason to start the salary higher. Without the weight of my XP to throw around, I feel worthless and used by corporate America.


Yellow facing crippling strike action


Been kinda into this sub lately and wanted know what the definition of “union worker” is. The first thing that auto-completes is “UWs are lazy”


I’m being blackmailed

To summarize I work for a security company, and my old supervisor allowed me to leave early but would pay me for the 2 hours I didn't work. Now after months of this he got fired and the new supervisor is blackmailing me with this information. But what really sucks is that I have too many obligations to just quit, I'm lost and don't know what to do.