
I stood up to my boss about a company policy that requires hourly workers to work their first 15 minutes unpaid.

I’m a supervisor at work. During a meeting today we were going over our expectations for our technicians. I was told that the techs need to arrive to the clinic and set up for their session 15 minutes before their session is scheduled to begin. I agreed that it was best practice and then asked “is it paid”. The answer was “no”. I asked “why would we tell our techs to work if they aren’t being paid”. Another supervisor rationalized it saying that the techs should be grateful they get to work in the clinic (clinic means full time hours) and thats the price they pay. I straight up said that I am not going to enforce that rule unless they are paid for their time. My boss agreed and said she would take it up the ladder. I spent 9 years in poverty as a tech. Low hours, decent…


What should I be proud of?

My store thinks it’s employees are proud to work here. They put a big poster on the back asking to “write something you are proud of in your department!” What’s something I can write that gets the point across without being too obvious and getting it erased?


Encouragement post!

Maybe this doesn’t fit the subreddit, but I thought I’d provide a positive work story in hopes that it encourages someone. I’ve worked full-time tech jobs ever since I was 16. I’ve never really enjoyed any of them, and at times have felt overwhelmed, overworked, under-appreciated, and exhausted. I finally decided “screw this! I’m going to do what I love!” In my case, what I love is audio in entertainment. I decided to bite the bullet, pay for some schooling with what I saved up + some loans, and three years later I’m now starting to get freelance gigs as a post production sound designer. For the first time in my life, I can honestly say I LOVE my work. I’m so excited to work, and collaborate with other artists. All this to say – it’s not impossible to make money doing what you love, and I truly encourage you…


I hate nosy co-workers.

I work very part-time and there's this guy that kept making comments to me where it was obvious he was trying to figure out how I make the rest of my income. He kept commenting things like “oh you must have another job right?” or “hard to pay the bills only working a few hours a week huh”. Finally, I got annoyed and told him that I run my own business online and that's how I make most of my money, I just do this to get out of the house and make a little extra cash on the side. And of course, he had a million questions about it. I just don't get why people are so nosy. Like why does someone else care about my financial situation or wonder how I afford my rent? Why does it matter!?!?


Employer “thought” I signed up for company heath insurance at $800/mo

Talked to HR director and he said he thought I wanted it. I make buttons per hour and am still eligible-for and enrolled through the ACA. I asked to see my signature on the paperwork. Because I didn’t sign up for it. . . They just . . . Gave me a printout of the policy This was brought up as ammo against me during a recent raise conversation. The reason for my not getting a raise being that they pay for my insurance – which i do not want – nor do I see on my pay stubs. Maybe i am missing something . . Is this legal ? ! ? ! *based in the US


Just started a new job and didn’t get any training.

I've just started a new job last evening at a retail store and it started out fine. I have 5 years of prior experience in jobs in different fields. I worked at a movie theater for one year and 2 different supermarkets one for 3 years and one for one year. I have learned that every store has a different approach of managing their staff. I had to work a 6-9 evening shift and i had to wait 1,5 hour to actually start working without any explanation of what i actually had to do. Part of the problem is that the manager just kept talking without end with other staff. She assigned a worker to train me but he just walked away and didn't say a word. I tried asking questions but i just got some half assed answers. The whole evening i just felt like some shadow standing there.…


Requested medical leave, was offered possibility to WFH

I started a new job about six months ago. The first red flag was when they interviewed me for a director level role, then offered me the same role at the manager level. No change in scope, just a lesser title. I had a director level role in my last job, same role, same industry at a bigger organization in a bigger market. But I had just moved to the area for my spouse’s job, and there are less opportunities in my industry here, so I took the job. Huge mistake. There was no onboarding, and asking my boss or colleagues for guidance or help leaves me with more questions than answers. I’m stuck with 4x the workload compared to my last job, and I’m just so miserable in general. My experience has worsened now that I need to have surgery and need two weeks off. I do not have…


Fuck you, pay me. I’m not picking up the slack for other people not doing their job


What is TGI Fridays break policy in the US?

Asking as I’ve emailed the labor board due to coming to the unfortunate understanding that the location my fiancé is employed at has not given anyone a lunch break since…forever. These employees are working eight to ten hours with only one or two extremely rushed smoke breaks, if that. They make the employees compete to eat and even then, they don’t get a lunch. They have to scarf it down as fast as they can and get back on their feet. And rarely does management even offer these little “competitions.” I tried to find this information online and continued to come up dry. I am currently in cahoots with a civil investigator on this matter and other labor law violations I’ve been told about nightly for the past eight to nine months.


If I am an independent contractor, I am not your employee, and you are not my boss.

And you don’t get to act, or speak to me, like you’re my boss. Period. You don’t get to expect independent contractors to show up for “mandatory” meetings or functions. You don’t get to be a condescending asshole in the name of “I’m your boss” when you are, in fact, not my fucking boss. You don’t get to have employee-level expectations and expect employee-level labor. You don’t get to request / demand extra labor and not expect to be charged extra money. I don’t get benefits, I don’t get a salary, I don’t get paid time off, I don’t get health insurance and I am penalized to hell and back on my taxes. So, fuck you, you get the service I’m contracted for and that’s it. You are my client. Thank you for reading my rant.