
I just got fired lmao

I got fired from a job that was sucking the life out of me and honestly I don't know if i should laugh or cry. Due to some drama that happened about a month ago I didn't feel comfortable working there any more so I was planning on leaving anyway ,but i wanted to do it on my own terms and it was taken away from me. The drama was a reason that was cited along with me actually taking my sick days due to medical issues and putting my foot down about working my contracted 8 hours. The only thing I'm worried about is being able to pay rent+bills but honestly the fact that i don't have to wake up early as fuck tomorrow to go into a job I hate feels kinda freeing, and I can't wait to have some time to figure myself out a little.


“Do what you love” was the worst thing that was said to me, ever. This economy was design to crush your dreams.

I've always been a great student and always had the best grades. I once thought I could do anything in life, because people kept telling me to “follow my dreams” and “do what I love” and “you'll succeed”. I could have become a lawyer, a high level manager or maybe even someone in the medical field, but I never wanted any of that. I never felt like I'd be happy in those fields and I still believe that. I don't want to do something I dislike. I never thought the money would be enough to make me happy. Instead, I went to the path of trying to become a designer, something that I liked to do ever since I was a kid and I still love. It couldn't have been a worst decision. It doesnt matter how hard I try, how much I work, if I don't get extremely luck,…


Department of Labor, Interagency Task Force announce recent actions to combat exploitative child labor with new partnerships, innovative tactics, ramped up enforcement


I’m sick of not working

Ive been applying to every job I can find for months and haven't gotten so much as a call back. Im tired of filling out applications on shitty employer sites that barely look. Im tired of scrubbing through job search apps to fond postings that aren't scams or insulting low pay. I was told by a recruiting agency that I am unhireable due to my age and lack of experience. This state sucks and I want out but I can't afford to leave.


Offer letter help

I recently had an interview that went very well. So well in fact that within a half of leaving the interview I got an offer letter. After reviewing the offer letter I saw that they didn't come close to what I had asked for salary. Now I'm not greedy, but I know my worth and average pay for the position at an entry level. I have 3yrs experience with the job so I know I shouldn't be getting paid at the entry level. I had originally asked for a little above the average entry pay and they offered me 10k less than the entry level pay. A friend of mine works at the place and they told me how much they wanted to hire me,. I told him the pay problem and he said that I could use my negotiation skills to get better pay. Now, I don't like to…


the people are nice but the place is a mess

i applied at subway here in the city centre it isn't ideal in the first place but I'm getting desperate cuz I need money and I'm applying everywhere but no one responds or the first day was just shit. so I get invited to this interview at subway and I come into the store and it looks okay. the girl behind the register was quite grumpy but alright. the guy I was supposed to have an interview with wasn't there cuz he thought the interview was the week after. while we had spoken eachother over the phone and I really said this Friday not next week. anyway the girl says I can come in the back and I had to squeeze myself through Boreland trash bags that led to the basement which they use as a cantine. everywhere there was unnecessary stuff and trash I can't believe why the place…


Is there life after retail?

I've been in retail in the UK for 13 years with 2 and half years of management on my CV but now I am looking for something different like a career change. What would the next challenge that would potentially open more doors in other industries Looking at industries like Media, Digital, sports, Tech, Software development etc with entry level roles


Rostered for 10 days in a row with no notice after requesting 2 days of leave

Asked my Manager if I could possibly get a weekend off (hospo worker), to spend with friends and family that I don’t get time to see regularly. Was told that if I want those days off I should probably find a different line of work and was offered a Wednesday and Thursday with the promise that the leave request was not denied it’s just pending. 1 month on and the week arrives that I originally request for the weekend off. Roster came out this evening revealing that I’m working the next 5 days with no shifts in the weeekend. I’ve just worked 5 busy days, was under the impression that my leave was still in limbo as no communication had been made and that I’d be having the next 2 days off then working my usual Wed-Sun. The fact that the roster didn’t come out until 12 hours before my…


I did something I regret doing, and my panic and anxiety would have been less if I didn’t. Have I broken the law?

Our supervisors don’t have their heads screwed on right. They constantly change the scheduled times without telling us. For some dumb reason, they tell us that we’re not supposed to go by the online schedule. We are only supposed to go by the paper schedule on the wall. But both the paper schedule AND the online schedule say I am supposed to work 4 PM-11 PM tomorrow. But on the break sheet, it was changed to 3. Even worse, there is ANOTHER copy of the schedule up at the front, and that one actually says 3-11 too! Where I really screwed up was I scratched 3 out on the break sheet and wrote 4 (there were a bunch of scratch outs and corrections, but that was by a supervisor. We are constantly told by all the supervisors, that we are NOT SUPPOSED TO EVER LOOK AT THE BREAK SHEET. But…


They want me to work so badly

I have schizophrenia, and thus, I'm not able to do wage labor. Yet everyone wants me to work. I live in a group home for the mentally ill, and I attend work therapy everyday. They want to make us fit for the job market, but I have zero motivation to work, or do an apprenticeship. I tried to work in the past and it made my mental health deteriorate severely. Most of the jobs are bullshit jobs anyways. The job centre wants me to work in a workshop for the disabled, which is even worse because those workshops are exploitative as hell. I want to become a field botanist, since botany is my hobby. That's honorary work, and I think it would satisfy me more than any desk job. Disability benefits are okish where I live.