Month: July 2023
TikTok · It’s a bad time to not be rich.
Is it always about money?
Why don’t people stay / take jobs with a better environment, better perks, better management rather than jump for a extra bit of money. That’s the only way this system changes.
Stock buybacks used to be illegal, but when Reagan became president, the SEC began allowing them. They were considered market manipulation up to that point. Now, over 94% of company profits are used for stock buybacks and dividends. These profits used to be shared with workers in the form of bonuses, pay raises, and re-investment in the business. From the link above: in 2015, Verizon bought back $5 billion in stock—and then told striking CWA members just a year later that the company couldn’t afford to provide pay increases, improved health care or better job security. If Verizon had instead spent that $5 billion on workers, every Verizon employee could have received $28,000. Company profits are the result of employee's hard work. Not investors. It seems like straightforward theft for companies not to be sharing profits directly with the employees who created that profit doesn't it?
On Friday I requested Monday off because my eyes are bloodshot from working so much and I needed a mental health day. He walked into my office and said “it's a little late, typically we need you to give a couple week's notice.” I told him it's actually more prudent to request time off with less notice because I have a much better idea of my workload closer to the day-of. He left and never approved it so I deleted the request later that night. I might have been able to beg for it, but that's not my style and he's just so toxic (all my coworkers agree) that I just wanted him to stop talking to me. Plus after he argued/guilted me about it I wouldn't be able to have a clear head on the day off anyway. Apparently being overworked with impossible same-day deadlines for a year straight…
How do i reapond about this situation?
I worked for an auditing compeny . They take an debit card from you and after they written and registered their official monthly salary for insurance and deposit the money on that account . Its the minimum company salary btw . they would take the amount they seem fit and leave the rest They do that to show that you have the money in your account and don't have any evidence against them My problem is: I started working as no paid for another company of the same work Now i dont know if they do the same thing or not If they do try that , how do i go about talking with them
Would you? It's the latest in a slew of Gen Z anti-work trends in China.