Title, basically.
Month: July 2023
I apologize in advance for any bad grammar or misspellings. I currently work as a contractor for a well-known global retailer. My contract was renewed for my current position through October. However, at the same time I also learned that it would be the last time it gets renewed. It caught me off guard. I’ve had regular check-ins since I started this project in December of 2022. The check-ins were always positive. However, from the start there were issues at the top that prevented me from doing the bulk of what was expected of me for the project I was hired to do. I always voiced those concerns on my end, but things got addressed at a molasses-like pace, and only when it was convenient for the ones above me. Now here we are, approximately 7 months later, and I’m being told that I am no longer needed by the…
Audit interview – 4h din 33440
HI all – I'm participating in an interview process and after the 2nd interview with the hiring person (decision maker I believe) I was invited to a “Jobfidence” measurement procedure and short audit. It takes about 4h and to be honest this is the first time I see something that long for a non-technical position (management). Have anyone been through it before and know how it works? It seems to be conducted by this 3rd part company but haven't received much info. Also, as part of a different process – I've got invited for a F2F interview after talking to the MD for a “HR Management Interview”. Is this also commom? Forgot to say, this is in Germany. Thanks in advance!
I've been in manufacturing basically all of my working life. I just turned 40. I get paid maybe $10 an hour more than when I started like over 15 years ago. In 2016 I went to school for welding. There weren't any decent jobs doing that where I lived so I went back to the place I left. I'm welding now but even with all that work experience, it hasn't seemed to benefit me in any way. I want out and I have no idea what to do anymore. I don't want to be sweating and getting burned all day for pretty close to nothing. I may look into a community college program that's medical related or something. Maybe even something technology based. It just seems almost insurmountable to start over again. How did you get out of this line of work? What do you do now?
Manager heart attack
My manager had a heart attack on Friday. Mid 30s, he's fit, does BJJ. It sounds like he's probably going to recover, but not all that soon. Before work even started today his boss is reaching out to me to see if I can step into his role. Business is cut throat. Don't ever prioritize work over yourself or your family.
Throwaway because my normal username is connected to my public profile. So I've worked in education for a long time, and used to help run a summer camp. Months ago I got hired to be an assistant for a summer camp director at a pretty well known kids camp for a few hours a day, basically helping her manage the counselors, be her eyes and ears while she was doing administrative work, helping during the busiest time of the day, etc. I was one of the first ones hired for the summer. A week into the camp her two main assistants (basically co-directors of the camp) were fired for innappopriate behavior, and I was asked to take on a more full time role, but I couldn't due to other commitments. The camp was feeling the strain of being a little short-staffed. A couple weeks later (during some slow days at…
Seemingly Random Paydates
So I have been working full time at a minimum wage job in alberta for almost a year now. They have this pay schedule that makes no sense to me and sometimes we only get payed once a month. There are alway two “paydates” a month like the 7th and 22nd kinda thing which change every month and on top of that our cheques come 4 to 10 days after those dates. There is no way to create monthly budgets and pay bills/rent on time when my pay just comes whenever. Did a little research and it seems like it's legal. But just never encountered a place like this in my work history, its usually always paid on 1st and 15th. Anybody have any advice or even know if this is legit?