
Quit on the spot after my supervisor accused me of violating film censorship for character designs

So this is a fishy animation company that does top-tier films in the country but don’t want to spend any money to hire lead artists. I am one of the two people that does character design for the company and the two of us are both interns that gets paid $20 dollars a day. I know. $20 a day for top tier film character designs might be unheard of but it is not too outrageous in this country sadly. And I am known to be prolific and produced many characters that passed my boss’s critique and everyone knows that. Long story short, a supervisor (not in the art dept) decided to yell at me during a meeting for “producing things that I only like” despite the fact that my character art were accepted by my boss himself and basically told me I’m a piece of shit for giving a male…


This shit is so bad. My husband makes almost 100,000.

We are down to our last $200.


They’re coming… prepare yourself.


taft hartley act 1947 destroys the ability to unionize and 1965 textile workers union v. darlington mfg sees no wrong in job retaliation

hello people the supreme court case and the taft hartley act is severely preventing we the people from large scale unionizing.


The Screenwriters and AIs.

Saying that AIs will never write a good movie is like saying AIs will never generate a beautiful image. If anyone has used Midjourney or Dalle-2 they know that these systems are very capable. However, they were trained on material that was often under copyright without the permission of the artists. This also happened with Co-Pilot training on computer code written by humans who didn't always consent. It will be somewhat different for Hollywood studios since they own the copyright to literally thousands of produced and unproduced screenplays that will be used for training. And we should expect those screenplays to be used to train the next batch of AIs to generate very good screenplays. There will still be humans in the loop, but a single human will be able to generate a massive number of screenplays using AIs. You can imagine giving an AI screenwriter the basic story points…


Not worthy of a work laptop due to my position.

So I work as the only assistant manager for a bar and restaurant that is attached to a hotel. I work 5 nights a week all the way until close and am by myself as the only point of contact whenever a guest asks for a manager, regardless if it is on the restaurant or the hotel side. Recently, my manager asked me to start taking over scheduling as well as some other administrative duties which require me to be at a computer. I don't have a desk in the office and can only use a computer when it is free and only if someone logs me on. I asked my manager to reach out to IT and ask if they could provide me with a work laptop so that I could do my assigned work without having to ask people for their desktop. IT said that since I am…


If you genuinely like what you do, what do you do? Need new job asap.

I was working the computers in a warehouse for 5 years, loved it until my manager got promoted which promoted the supervisor. Supervisor and I were buddy buddy until their promotion got to their head. Then I was micromanaged, talked to a lot about coming in at 7:00 (scheduled at 7:00) and should be there 30 minutes early (not clocked in) like everyone else. I would get talked to if I came back from my break at 16 minutes instead of 15. Well because of this I was suddenly not being efficient enough… even though I’ve never had this problem in the years prior. After walking out, HR asking me to come back because it turns out I was actually an asset to the company (go figure). I was offered a job with another department under a new manager. Well they let him go today because of “realigning positions”. Guess…


Left the interview because I had to do 4 jobs as one

applied to be a hotel front desk. Into the interview I asked what my objectives are day to day. After the briefing I was basically a grounds maintenance worker + greeter+ on the call room attendant+ assistant manager. Walked out without a hand shake and didnt bother looking back once the interviewer was done explaining.


Can companies skew or manipulate core KPI’s that determine whether you keep your job or not?

I’m reflecting on two companies that used 3 core Key Performance Indicator metrics that updated daily, evaluating employee production. Each of these metrics were determined through a “peer-to-percentage” ranking that determined your name in the top or bottom %. A little obscure, right? I worked credit card collections for a major bank a couple years ago and most recently I worked customer service for a very large online furniture company. Both of these companies implemented very similar performance measures in which they would take three areas of job-related criteria and divide each into metrics that had different percentage-based weight. One metric was valued at 40%, a middle metric was valued at 30%, and the smallest metric at 20%. In most scenarios, I would have the dumbest people on my team making the top percent for the site or for all sites combined (both domestic and international sites.). These were people…


as they starve us out of our homes, we must starve them of labor

this is why a general strike works. it doesn't need to be everyone in the country, just multiple strikes with different industries co-ordinated at the same time for the common goal of: floating minimum wages being pegged to inflation at the CPI (and please shut the fuck up about a wage-price spiral, neolib fucks, we don't give a fuck what you have to say) mandatory housing for all price controls on rent an end to corporate subsidies and bailouts of all kinds — let 'em have a real free market a scaling down of the military budget and a full audit of all DoD assets full transparency from the Feds and CIA around funding and priorities what else can you guys think of