
Employers are disgusting.

I've been in the dealership parts / auto parts industry for 13+ years. Finally scored a manager position at a major aftermarket auto parts supplier (think O'Reilly or Advance Auto, along those lines.) Just to set the scene, I am the sole breadwinner in my family. My wife suffers from a bad case of fibromyalgia and can't work, but of course the govt doesn't see it as a disability, despite the fact she can't walk more than 20 feet without exhaustion and doing light chores at home is all she can handle, so no assistance there. I myself have been diabetic since age 3, a federally recognized disability, but I can work, so I can't get assistance either. We can't afford a home, our credit is wrecked from the last two years of going into debt trying to stay afloat, so we can't get an apartment either. We live in…


Don’t let people lie about AI/ML

I am at a business conference and the keynote speaker is telling people not to worry about AI taking our jobs while explaining how AI is going to take our jobs. He is trying to tell a room full of people who can be replaced by AI not to be afraid. Now more than ever we need to get every industry to organize before corporations catch up and start mass layoffs.


Company posted photo of me on Indeed without my permission

I need advice!! Today it was brought to my attention that the company I work for posted a photo of me for a job listing on Indeed. I wasn’t asked if the picture could be posted and I didn’t sign any releases… how should I go about this? It wouldn’t have been such an issue for me, if the company wasn’t constantly posting photos of employees of color and trying to push an agenda.


Am I the only one who feels like we got totally screwed?

Learning and building skills both social and technical. Having all these amazing experiences, feeling like I was alive. Working my ass off to get into a top uni for engineering, then having the time of my life there whilst achieving good grades. I've been in the working world for 2 years now. All that lofty enthusiasm for enacting my potential has evaporated into thin air. It's been 4 jobs now, not making nearly enough to move out (and probably won't for a while, despite a STEM degree – thanks UK). Commuting and the hours are devouring any free time I have in the week (no WFH policy). Going to the club? Forget it. I love doing it but now only have time/energy on saturday night. Sunday is lunch and then its right back to the week's slog. And during the week it's usually dinner, video games and sleep. If I…


What are some green flags for job positions/employers?

I'm in a toxic cycle of jobs with very poor work-life balance. My particular field is in data/customer insights, but I think green flags could be helpful for workers across industries.


Overthinking—is this a fireable offense?

I’m in week 4 of my new job and my team, including my boss and the division that we work under, is almost entirely remote. They are located in one state and I’m essentially by myself in another state. The role was advertised as hybrid, so I knew what I was agreeing to. However, there is literally no reason to be in the office except for when I need to print things. I don’t work with anyone here. We will never need to interact in terms of our work, so it feels really weird that I’m being required to come in for the sake of being here. There is no one here that I report to or anyone here who is watching me or who cares or even understands what I do. So my question is: if I were to leave to work from home at some point in the…


Work shouldn’t be stressful

Seriously, my number one reason I am stressed is my job. The fear of being fired, the anxiety of clients and managers asking me why X and Y isn't getting done or not working and of course feeling tired and exhausted at the end of the day so I can't do my hobbies This shouldn't be how we spend our lives


I trained myself out of a job.

This will be on mobile so pardon my format. TL;DR – Trained my department so well that I techincaly have nothing to do at work. My superiors are ok with me just hanging out and also happy for me to move up or move on. So i started with this IT company last year as a technician, I was in management in my previous company and it left such a bad taste in my mouth that I wanted to be able to just worry about work and go home. A year passes and I’ve been doing so well that I got promoted a few times and I get assigned as one of the leads for a new department. Whenever I’m spinning up a department/team I always try to emphasize 3 things which are Morale, Effort vs Pay and training. Just so this whole thing doesn’t turn into a TED talk…


One of the most entitled wastes of paper I’ve ever read. This is the first, and so far only time, this kind of letter was packed with everyone’s paystubs. I can go on all day about the sketchy, improper management and the business they run here, but this needed to be shared.


DYK union members earn 18% more than nonunion workers?! Organize your workplace!